Can SL boe greens and quest rewards no longer be disenchanted?

I just logged on to my enchanter to check. She had a bunch of BOEs from other toons and some crafted BOEs. Disenchanted all with no issues at all. You guys must be glitched somehow.

Yea I just encounted this. I have a ton of level 50 BOE greens that can’t be disenchanted now. Crafted stuff works fine and stuff that dropped a couple of days ago is fine.

Why would anybody think this is a good idea? This is how people have leveled enchanting ever since the beginning.


I don’t think this is intended and therefore opened a bug.

If they come back and say “neener neener, not a bug” then we know. Otherwise you’re just speculating. I wouldn’t put it past them to nerf something so petty BUT I’m giving them an opportunity to fix their oversight here.

I sent a few BOE greens that my alt picked up to my main (an enchanter) about two hours ago, along with some crafted tailoring items. I could only DE the crafted items, the rest just said “Item cannot be disenchanted”. No explanation given.

It has to be a bug. I refuse to believe this was intended, because that would mean a group of people sat around a table, weighed the pros and cons, and actually came to this decision. My brain simply cannot process how that could happen.

I want to say this is a new low for pettiness in design from this team, but they’ve made so many inexplicable decisions over the past two expacs that I’m not sure it is.

Though I look at things like the coding-tutorial tortollan WQs and keep coming back to: the experienced designers have left, the interns are managing the sinking ship, and the spaghetti code is falling to pieces every time they touch something. We’re probably lucky the game still works at all.

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This is clearly a bug.

Or a bugged tooltip. (Maybe you have to be a certain level or skill level to disenchant an item)



MY mage is level 51 with 85 enchanting and can’t disenchant level 50 BOE. I can DE level 60 crafted though.

Well said. At the very least, if they somehow did come to that conclusion, it should have been announced as a change and advance notice should have been given… not a stealthy change snuck in in the dead of night without a word to the playerbase. You just don’t do that for a system that has been around for the entire lifetime of the game. Maybe for something horribly broken, like the stuff that Rextroy finds, but silently removing something that has been available for 16 years with zero notice is not reasonable by any stretch.

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Ok so the greens I couldn’t DE yesterday are able to be DE’d today. So either it was a bug that was hotfixed or our complaining worked!

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Confirmed, both low level boes and quest rewards that weren’t disenchantable yesterday, I just d/e’d. Phew!

Talents were absolutely set and forget before MoP. You generally had one good build, and sometimes a couple free points to put elsewhere, depending on your spec.

My shadow priest has many viable talent options that each have a different situational use that i need to consider in order to maximize my performance for a given encounter.

Other classes may not have as many viable options, but there’s still nuance to be considered per encounter on each class. There are no set and forget builds if you’re trying to optimize yourself.

Jewelcrafting makes cloaks now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My BS couldn’t make cloaks, unless its tailoring? I’m not sure. I assumed JC because it wasnt listed for me.

It’s Tailoring.

Glad my leggos aren’t cape or jewelry, it’d be a nightmare to upgrade seeing as cloth drops are insane for the amount needed to rank 4.

EDIT; I read above, since I dislike this forum style but thought I’d see if it was hotfixed or something. And glad they supposedly changed/fixed it.

So lemme get this straight. I’ve got an enchanter at 50, I’ve got good gear already from BfA. I do some levelling, get a 110 Quest reward, its no an upgrade, and I can’t dust it, all I can do is vendor it?

Previous expansions let you dust quest rewards. In fact about the only items I saw you couldn’t dust was things like DK quest gear (since you can just buy it for chump change) or the gear you get from boosting a toon. Both cases I can see them denying you the option to dust it.

And now they’re saying Quest Gear cannot be dusted at all?

“Fun Detected.”
“Fun Removed.”

That’s what it sounds like is happening. I do seriously hope this is some kind of bug. Because otherwise its a seriously big richard move for Blizzard to pull off.

One can never tell these days, if it’s a bug or the complaints helped nudge that along. :sweat_smile:

I’m actually flabbergasted if this is true. Seriously? Quest greens have always been vital for ench, and now?!

Apparently you can now… again.