Can RP servers be saved this time?

As anyone who has played on a RP server can tell you, probably less than ten percent of people who play on RP servers have any interest in roleplaying.

This trend of people uninterested in RP rolling on RP servers started way back in vanilla, when RP servers developed a reputation for being laid back and casual, which made people decide to play there not because they care about RP, but because they want to be surrounded by "mature" people (or in some people's cases, they wanted to be on a server filled with "baddies" so they're "best" player around), not to mention all the people who rolled there without paying attention to the server tag.

I was reading a thread where people were talking about differences between PvP and PvE servers, and someone in it encouraged people to play on RP-PvP servers because of the perceived maturity of people who play on RP servers. So it seems very likely that the same thing will happen again.

Can anything be done to preserve RP servers for RP crowd and avoid their death again? Obviously Blizzard can't police the server and ban people who don't RP. So what else is there?
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That's an extremely hard question to answer. It is something I feel the community must be heavily delved into to really answer. But then again non-RPers could easily flood said server and overpower them.

My current server on my mains is an RP-PVP server which was well known for maintaining a distaste for non-RPers but yeah.
I'd suggest RP PVP servers only if we do get RP Servers, this way you can just PK the snots that try to ruin RPer's RP Thing.
As long as they're not interfering with other people's RP, who cares if non-RPers play on an RP server?

Now, something could be said about the old RP server rules about naming and such being abandoned, but that's on Blizzard and has nothing to do with trying to exclude people from a server because they don't engage in a particular activity.
10/26/2018 01:09 AMPosted by Kiyrin
As long as they're not interfering with other people's RP, who cares if non-RPers play on an RP server?

They actively dilute the RP scene. The servers have a limited population. Let's say there's only one RP server, it has 2000 players, and they all RP. Now let's say there are ten RP servers, they all in total have 20000 players, but only 2000 of those are interest in RP and they're spread all over those servers so the average RP server only has 200 RPers. For an RPer, the first scenario is far more appealing as you have the entire RP crowd on the same server, and makes finding and participating in RP much easier.

10/26/2018 01:09 AMPosted by Kiyrin
Now, something could be said about the old RP server rules about naming and such being abandoned, but that's on Blizzard and has nothing to do with trying to exclude people from a server because they don't engage in a particular activity.

I resent you downplaying it by calling it a "particular activity" and trying to make RPers who want RP servers to contain RP sound like they're discriminating against innocent people for no reason at all. RP is the raison d'etre of RP servers. I'm not being unreasonable and saying you have to RP at all times and only RP and do nothing else, but if you have no interest in RP whatsoever (or even worse, actively grief RPers) you're as much of a blight on RP servers as people who complain about being ganked on PvP servers are on PvP servers.

Also, what you have to realize is that the problem here isn't really the existence of non-RPers. If a few non-RPers roll on RP servers it's no big deal, no one cares, no need to be an "elitist" !@#$%^- about it. The problem is that the vast majority of people on RP servers have zero interest in RP. RPers are a tiny minority on their own servers. Even on the dedicated RP RP servers, the one regional RP servers where RPers try to congregate are RPers a small minority of overall playerbase. On other RP servers the situation is far worse. If only like 10% of people who played on RP servers had no interest in RPing no one would care. The problem is that this figure is closer to 90%. Imagine if you played on a PvE server because you wanted to do dungeons and raids but 90% of the server population just dueled outside Ironforge and Orgrimmar 24/7 and out of the 3000 people on your server only 300 were into dungeons and raiding. That's basically the situation RP fans are in.
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RPers bring it on themselves. Just ignore trolls that try and trigger your RP sessions. Trying to stop RPers from joining a server is a futile effort.

I've been playing on RP servers since Vanilla, they only people that ruin RP are the RPers themselves. They either leave the server, blacklist entire factions, start drama, blame non-rpers for the drama and then move on to another server to rinse and repeat.

A griefer ruins a moment, RPers ruin the server.
10/26/2018 01:58 AMPosted by Nurdan
10/26/2018 01:09 AMPosted by Kiyrin
As long as they're not interfering with other people's RP, who cares if non-RPers play on an RP server?

They actively dilute the RP scene. The servers have a limited population. Let's say there's only one RP server, it has 2000 players, and they all RP. Now let's say there are ten RP servers, they all in total have 20000 players, but only 2000 of those are interest in RP and they're spread all over those servers so the average RP server only has 200 RPers. For an RPer, the first scenario is far more appealing as you have the entire RP crowd on the same server, and makes finding and participating in RP much easier.

10/26/2018 01:09 AMPosted by Kiyrin
Now, something could be said about the old RP server rules about naming and such being abandoned, but that's on Blizzard and has nothing to do with trying to exclude people from a server because they don't engage in a particular activity.

I resent you downplaying it by calling it a "particular activity" and trying to make RPers who want RP servers to contain RP sound like they're discriminating against innocent people for no reason at all. RP is the raison d'etre of RP servers. I'm not being unreasonable and saying you have to RP at all times and only RP and do nothing else, but if you have no interest in RP whatsoever (or even worse, actively grief RPers) you're as much of a blight on RP servers as people who complain about being ganked on PvP servers are on PvP servers.

Also, what you have to realize is that the problem here isn't really the existence of non-RPers. If a few non-RPers roll on RP servers it's no big deal, no one cares, no need to be an "elitist" !@#$%^- about it. The problem is that the vast majority of people on RP servers have zero interest in RP. RPers are a tiny minority on their own servers. Even on the dedicated RP RP servers, the one regional RP servers where RPers try to congregate are RPers a small minority of overall playerbase. On other RP servers the situation is far worse. If only like 10% of people who played on RP servers had no interest in RPing no one would care. The problem is that this figure is closer to 90%. Imagine if you played on a PvE server because you wanted to do dungeons and raids but 90% of the server population just dueled outside Ironforge and Orgrimmar 24/7 and out of the 3000 people on your server only 300 were into dungeons and raiding. That's basically the situation RP fans are in.

Ignoring the absurdity of your extreme "Woe is me, I'm such a victim" attitude - and also calling non-RPers a "blight", which isn't going to endear anybody to your cause - your problem then is that there are too many RP servers and not enough people interested in RP.

Non-RPers aren't stopping you from RPing on an RP server. They're not blocking RPers from coming to that server, and they're not preventing you from RPing. What's preventing you from RPing is the lack of interest in RP. That's all there is to it. And that still doesn't justify trying to force some sort of purity test on people that want to play on a particular server.
10/26/2018 02:29 AMPosted by Kiyrin
10/26/2018 01:58 AMPosted by Nurdan

They actively dilute the RP scene. The servers have a limited population. Let's say there's only one RP server, it has 2000 players, and they all RP. Now let's say there are ten RP servers, they all in total have 20000 players, but only 2000 of those are interest in RP and they're spread all over those servers so the average RP server only has 200 RPers. For an RPer, the first scenario is far more appealing as you have the entire RP crowd on the same server, and makes finding and participating in RP much easier.


I resent you downplaying it by calling it a "particular activity" and trying to make RPers who want RP servers to contain RP sound like they're discriminating against innocent people for no reason at all. RP is the raison d'etre of RP servers. I'm not being unreasonable and saying you have to RP at all times and only RP and do nothing else, but if you have no interest in RP whatsoever (or even worse, actively grief RPers) you're as much of a blight on RP servers as people who complain about being ganked on PvP servers are on PvP servers.

Also, what you have to realize is that the problem here isn't really the existence of non-RPers. If a few non-RPers roll on RP servers it's no big deal, no one cares, no need to be an "elitist" !@#$%^- about it. The problem is that the vast majority of people on RP servers have zero interest in RP. RPers are a tiny minority on their own servers. Even on the dedicated RP RP servers, the one regional RP servers where RPers try to congregate are RPers a small minority of overall playerbase. On other RP servers the situation is far worse. If only like 10% of people who played on RP servers had no interest in RPing no one would care. The problem is that this figure is closer to 90%. Imagine if you played on a PvE server because you wanted to do dungeons and raids but 90% of the server population just dueled outside Ironforge and Orgrimmar 24/7 and out of the 3000 people on your server only 300 were into dungeons and raiding. That's basically the situation RP fans are in.

Ignoring the absurdity of your extreme "Woe is me, I'm such a victim" attitude - and also calling non-RPers a "blight", which isn't going to endear anybody to your cause - your problem then is that there are too many RP servers and not enough people interested in RP.

Non-RPers aren't stopping you from RPing on an RP server. They're not blocking RPers from coming to that server, and they're not preventing you from RPing. What's preventing you from RPing is the lack of interest in RP. That's all there is to it. And that still doesn't justify trying to force some sort of purity test on people that want to play on a particular server.

The only people I can see taking offense at calling people who killed RP servers blight are the people who killed RP servers, and I have no reason to try to endear myself to them. After all, if they had empathy they wouldn't have selfishly killed my servers.

Blizzard doesn't randomly create new servers because they wake up one day and go "huh we haven't made new servers in a while now, let's add some to shake things up", they add new servers when there is need, that is to say, when the current servers are filled up and there need to be new servers to contain the growing playerbase.

If only RP crowd played on RP servers, there would be no need for 10 RP servers since the RP crowd is not big enough to fill 10 RP servers. But if there are nine non-RPers for every RPer on RP servers, then the new RP servers will have to be added since current ones couldn't possibly hold all the population.

Calling this a purity test is ridiculous. This is literally just asking to try to find a way to only have people interested in a special ruleset play on a server designed specifically for people interested in that special ruleset. It's not like the demand is to only allow people who achieved r14 or glad title to play on PvP servers, or killed KT in vanilla to play on PvE servers, but if you have literally zero interest in PvP/PvE, why the hell are you on a PvP/PvE server? There's literally hundreds of other servers made just for people like you.
10/26/2018 02:29 AMPosted by Kiyrin
What's preventing you from RPing is the lack of interest in RP

I agreed with most of that,but i'm going to snip this one bit and agree 100% with it, I'm rather big into RP, purely based on the fact that i play DND with dozens of people over months thanks to roll 20 and discord,not to mention in person games,and as a DM (dungeon master) i write a lot,no seriously a lot of story's and characters.
Wow RP just,isn't as exciting when we have had such a huge surge in popularity of DND esque events/games online in recent years.
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I have an off topic question about RPing on a PVP realm.

What happens if you're in the middle of your roleplaying in Duskwood (for example) and a raid of opposite faction decide to snuff you out mid-roleplay.

Does the roleplay change? Do you all abandon it? Do you report the opposite faction for griefing?
10/26/2018 03:38 AMPosted by Kernell
I have an off topic question about RPing on a PVP realm.

What happens if you're in the middle of your roleplaying in Duskwood (for example) and a raid of opposite faction decide to snuff you out mid-roleplay.

Does the roleplay change? Do you all abandon it? Do you report the opposite faction for griefing?

If you're a good RPer, you roll with it and integrate it into your story. "Remember that time we were investigating a murder in Darkshire and the Horde raided the town?"

On a PvP realm it's not griefing, although I doubt that stops some people from reporting it as such.
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10/26/2018 03:38 AMPosted by Kernell
I have an off topic question about RPing on a PVP realm.

What happens if you're in the middle of your roleplaying in Duskwood (for example) and a raid of opposite faction decide to snuff you out mid-roleplay.

Does the roleplay change? Do you all abandon it? Do you report the opposite faction for griefing?

It’s not reportable for griefing. It’s simply PvP on a PvP server.

Now, the problem with that scenario is that it’s likely a non-RP group coming in to crash the RP event for the lulz. It goes to the point of the thread that it would be nice to only populate RP servers with RPers.

This can’t be policed unfortunately.
I didn't get into RP until later expansion when I drew kind of tired of the normal stuff, my friends never spoke highly of rp servers but I figured why not?

when I did there was always something interesting happening on ever corner, things that just don't happen in regular servers! loved it!

I could watch people rp for hours, I get an rp trasmog, do rp /walk around, haven't really partaken in much (maybe I water down the experience?)

I ran into some pretty bad stuff such as orc bartender named shrek doing full on troll rp or the memesters of goldshire inn who don't rp for some reason never leave? and think they own the place.

but like others said you can't really tell others where to roll only +ignore them ? saying that I would like it if naming policy was hardcore enforced unlike it is on retail rp
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10/26/2018 03:38 AMPosted by Kernell
I have an off topic question about RPing on a PVP realm.

What happens if you're in the middle of your roleplaying in Duskwood (for example) and a raid of opposite faction decide to snuff you out mid-roleplay.

Does the roleplay change? Do you all abandon it? Do you report the opposite faction for griefing?

I feel like one of the tragedies of WoW roleplaying scene is that it became so static and, well, boring. You either chat in an inn, walk around Stormwind, or log on a trial account night elf/draenei female parked in Goldshire and sodomize other night elf/draenei there. If an event takes place outside of rested XP zone it was probably strictly organized a month in advance. There's no place for spontaneity, really.

I prefer RP-PvP servers because PvP ruleset can help enhance RP. When RP-PvP servers were first added (originally you only had RP-PvE servers) I made a character on one, an joined a militant guild. Back then, Ashenvale was a battleground between an orc RP and a night elf RP guild, who both RPed as the military forces of their respective side and fought each other. This wasn't just a one time event, mind you, there were daily battles and skirmishes. I had a lot of fun back then, going on patrols with my buddies, raiding enemy settlements to bait them out, defending ours when they counterattacked, etc. Far more fun than just gossiping with other paladins in the cathedral.

When it comes to RP, it's considered bad taste to claim achievements of your character. So just because you cleared Deadmines and killed Van Cleef doesn't mean that you should brag about it in-character in Stormwind. After all, we've all done it, too. There can't canonically be a thousand people who killed him, and what gives you the right to claim you are the one of out a thousand who did it? But people take this mentality too far and most outright refuse to roleplay in dungeons etc. Which is a shame because it can be quite fun. When RDF came out, I was leveling an alt on an RP server at the time and spent a lot of the leveling process doing dungeons. It was pretty fun to join groups and act in-character and get other people to play along and have fun, even if they weren't on RP servers and never played on one before. Of course if people complained about it making the run take too long or something I'd drop it and play normally, but that happened surprisingly rarely, as the GOGOGO mentality didn't develop yet at that time.
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I remain interested in the serious fun of RP, and would luv to build an all Undead guild on a RP server well-grounded in RP.

My only suggestion would be that those committed to RP start now, and in these forums, before Classic is released, to join and start planning how to choose and dominate one Classic RP server.

There will always be those rolling toons on a RP server who do not want to RP, but if those with an active interest in founding a dedicated RP server start gathering forces, at least a year before I believe Classic will be released, we can begin sharing our stories, or even building one big back story that we all might enjoy, and inhabit for a long, long while to come.

I am sure we could all find a way to move forward together.

Just let me know Nurdan, if you want to share eMail addresses.
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I was on a RP server in Vanilla. It was considered a sin to actually RP. You would see it from time to time but it was extremely rare. It got even more rare the longer the game had been out.

I'm probably being dramatic. People looked down on RP but it didn't really affect your rep on the server. It was like they were the super nerds among us regular nerds.
if you offer erp,, they will come
10/26/2018 06:55 PMPosted by Rözen
I was on a RP server in Vanilla. It was considered a sin to actually RP. You would see it from time to time but it was extremely rare. It got even more rare the longer the game had been out.

I'm probably being dramatic. People looked down on RP but it didn't really affect your rep on the server. It was like they were the super nerds among us regular nerds.

What kind of RP are you even referring to?

10/26/2018 08:02 PMPosted by Micro
if you offer erp,, they will come

Keep Moan Guard out of this, damn it. We don't need them infecting Classic with their virtual STDs.
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I've never gotten into the whole rp by pretending, the only rp I prefer is the standard horde vs alliance.

One time someone invited me to moon guard, who made a character he said something about pimps and thieves.
When I went to the human inn place outside of stormwind, it just felt sooo weird.
Some sort of orgy was going on in there.

Well its hard to get someone like me into rp because what happens actually has to happen, like having someone pickpocket your items.

If you want to save rp then you should gather a community of like minded rp people to join the same realm that pops up.
10/26/2018 08:07 PMPosted by Victorlaw
10/26/2018 06:55 PMPosted by Rözen
I was on a RP server in Vanilla. It was considered a sin to actually RP. You would see it from time to time but it was extremely rare. It got even more rare the longer the game had been out.

I'm probably being dramatic. People looked down on RP but it didn't really affect your rep on the server. It was like they were the super nerds among us regular nerds.

What kind of RP are you even referring to?

10/26/2018 08:02 PMPosted by Micro
if you offer erp,, they will come

Keep Moan Guard out of this, damn it. We don't need them infecting Classic with their virtual STDs.

Any and all kinds of RP. the tamest RP you can think of to ERP. It was looked down upon. Some people still did it... Some people gave them grief in trade.. some people mostly ignored them.