Can people play ffxiv without telling it to the world?

FFXIV crazies say it has 14 million subs, if so, FFXIV is larger than the LoL playerbase… The shills believe the FFXIV marketing team like it’s gospel.

That’s not the number of subs that’s the number of accounts. WoW has 100 million accounts in comparison.

Their subs are estimated to be between 500k and 1 mil. WoW likely has a lot more than that. (I’d wager it’s between 2.5 mil and 4 mil.) I also think ESO has more players than FF.

I was referring to the shills thinking that is gospel… What on Earth did you think I wrote? :woman_facepalming:

Eh… I’m adding to what you said not contesting it. Of course it’s ridiculous to think a subscription MMO has 20 mil players.

Can the Pope play FF14 without telling it to the world?

The serious answer to that question is no.

FF14 isn’t the only game that people come in here and talk about. I mean theirs Star Wars and Guild Wars 2.

I would wager that WoW isn’t the only place they come to tell them how much better then game their playing on there.

14’s dungeons are only like that because they are designed that way.

If they intended for a Mythic + (or similar increased difficulty mode) they could design their dungeons with that in mind moving forward.

I don’t think anyone who says they want mythic+ in 14 wants Sastasha +20.

What I would want is for a dungeon system to actually matter. Dungeons as they are don’t really have any incentive to complete. Not counting tomes, which is a easy to cap currency that can be obtained in many ways, there is no real reason to do dungeons after the first time.

At least in WoW, you have a chance to get something from Mythic+, even if its for an offspec or whatever. And you always retain your power in them, and getting stronger makes them easier to do. Unlike 14, where majority of dungeons will cap you on ilvl. Right now it’s 470, which most players is around a 30ilvl nerf. And you don’t even get anything out of the dungeons, either.

Second thing I would want out of 14 is more combat-related overworld content that feels rewarding. Right now it’s just hunts, beast tribe stuff and FATE farming, which also is no fun due to low rewards and level sync.

There’s just not a lot of reason to log in because there really isn’t any farmable content. Maybe when the next resistance weapon grind comes out, it will. But it needs to be there from day 1 or else we’re waiting for near-end of expansion to have something rewarding to do.

Big disagree on dungeons. A return of the badge system and item level sync in random dungeons would be extremely welcome in WoW. I love knowing that I’ll get an upgrade in X days instead of praying that the Mythic Cache gives me the piece I want with a socket and a desirable corruption. Today I have absolutely no reason to do an heroic dungeon and engage with the casual playerbase in WoW, and even if I did the item level delta is so insane that I would rip aggro off of a fresh 120 tank and solo the whole dungeon, so yes please knock my iLvl down a few notches in random heroics so I can play with those guys, and please give me a reason to do so.

Unless this has changed since I quit, I found the way they did their dungeons far superior to ours. Mythic+ is really the only thing we have that they don’t, and since their raid size is only 8 I’m not even convinced XIV needs mythic+ that badly, it’s not hard to find the extra 4 people to do a raid. Mythic+ also comes with its own lot of problems like having a completely different balance dynamic. (Like seriously who wouldn’t take a WHM over any other healer in mythic+ when they can keep entire packs of mobs stun locked for like 8 seconds.)

Their dungeons were fine they just weren’t suited for mythic+, and that’s okay.


I respect your opinion, but the super low cap on “badges” in 14 and the fact you’re gated to one cap for your whole character (not job) makes it really hard to log in each day.

With the badge system of old in WoW, you could cap out your badges and at LEAST hop on to an alt class and do it all over again. In 14, it’s much harder to do so. I have a second character for another set of jobs, but to really be “omni-x” you need 4 alts to be able to really take advantage of the “replayability” of the tomes.

And having to pay or slog through MSQ on 4 characters is just not gonna happen for most folks.

You say you “love knowing that you’ll get an upgrade in x days instead” but that’s only true for the tomes and raids. Dungeons have no place in there; the dungeons themselves are strictly a chore that has no inherent reward on its own. You don’t have to touch a single dungeon to cap out on tomes. And even if you did, you are pretty much done for the whole week after 3-4 expert roulettes.

Dungeon Design

In my opinion, dungeons are not superior in 14, and are the biggest weakness in the game, specifically because challenging small group content is my favorite content.

They are linear to a fault in both flow and difficulty, and are just boring snore-fest wall pulls. Bosses are equally boring and lacking in challenge.

Here is me doing the final boss in the latest dungeon. It’s the same difficulty as day one, and the rewards are as useless today as they were the first day I did them. They’ll be even more useless once I get all the glams.

They don’t need Mythic plus in the exact same implementation, but they need to make dungeons meaningful. As it stands, they just aren’t. None of the gear is useful at all outside of glamour.

The dungeons need to be rewarding in of themselves, not because of the side effect of tomestone acquisition, which already is a sore point of replayability due to the fact you can’t have alts in the traditional sense to “replay” the same things on different classes as you can in WoW.

Mythic+ dungeons specifically are fun because they remain relevant on a scale for literally every level of player. You can hop in, and enjoy the challenge of small group content even if the rewards aren’t that great. You also always get a continual “consolation prize” of that being some sort of artifact power.

I can say without a doubt that I can do a couple of keys and enjoy it regardless of if I get good rewards or not, the challenge is there and promises to me that it will continue to be more challenging as I improve and get stronger. The affix system also enhances this feeling of adaptation and challenge, even if some of them are nutpunch affixes. But it’s still a challenge to overcome…

I can also say without a second thought that I am bored to tears doing expert roulette because there’s no fun doing the actual dungeon because it’s stupid easy, and no fun in any actual reward directly from the dungeon, and capped rewards from the tomes every week on my whole character, not just job. The challenge to overcome in 14’s dungeon is staying awake.

I did the “cap multiple alts every week” thing in Cataclysm because I was raiding with multiple guilds at the time, and I found that to be an awful grind, so I’m not super sympathetic to the argument that you can jump on an alt character to do it all over again. I don’t remember how quickly I capped my badge currency but it was a few days and after that I liked that I was done and if I felt like taking a break I wasn’t getting left behind.

But I think their dungeons are waaaaaaay better than heroics in WoW. They were better paced, they were straight forward, and boss mechanics could actually kill you instead of merely inconveniencing you. And of course they usually look way better and have better music. They’re just all around better than heroics.

I’m not against bringing in mythic+ but I wouldn’t want them to change their current dungeon design for it. If you’re “bored to tears” of their dungeons don’t do them, you have other roulettes and you should have an Eureka equivalent by now. But a lot of people really enjoyed these dungeons, myself included. Getting them e-sport’ified like Blizzard did with their dungeons to accomodate BfA mythic+ and then making mythic+ the only mode that matters would be a shame.

I did the “cap multiple alts every week” thing in Cataclysm because I was raiding with multiple guilds at the time, and I found that to be an awful grind, so I’m not super sympathetic to the argument that you can jump on an alt character to do it all over again. I don’t remember how quickly I capped my badge currency but it was a few days and after that I liked that I was done and if I felt like taking a break I wasn’t getting left behind.

I’ve done this since Burning Crusade, and I think we’re just not going to agree on this. I hate being “all done” in an MMO, because the whole point IMO is to keep playing and growing. Capped tomes/badges are incompatible with that statement. At least with WoW, you can “do it all over” to satisfy that feeling of growth. Yes, this may result in you feeling left behind at times, but systems are always in place for catch up and the ones penalized primarily are the people who grinded gear when it was relevant. 14 is so easy to “be caught up” that after a day or two you can just stop logging in.

But I think their dungeons are waaaaaaay better than heroics in WoW. They were better paced, they were straight forward, and boss mechanics could actually kill you instead of merely inconveniencing you. And of course they usually look way better and have better music. They’re just all around better than heroics.

Again, I disagree with you here. I’m not talking about normal or heroic, or even mythic 1-5. But at a certain point, both bosses and trash (including pats) in WoW eventually become challenging and eventually will stomp you to the dirt if you aren’t paying attention. And with the affixes it keeps you on your feet on a rotating basis. In 14, they may have a small learning curve up front, but they are completely 100% static after that. You learn it, and it’s just memory dancing. There’s no challenge at ALL by doing it more than once. It’s exactly the same every single time. That’s what makes it less fun, and more of a mind-numbing chore. Think of it as you playing Tetris. In WoW, the game starts getting faster and you challenge yourself to do it better until you lose. In 14, Tetris is level 1 until the end of time. Sure you can get a high score…but it’s meaningless.

EDIT: I do agree with you some. Normal and Heroic, and especially Mythic, needs to be more difficult. But that’s a different discussion.

I’m not against bringing in mythic+ but I wouldn’t want them to change their current dungeon design for it. If you’re “bored to tears” of their dungeons don’t do them, you have other roulettes and you should have an Eureka equivalent by now. But a lot of people really enjoyed these dungeons, myself included. Getting them e-sport’ified like Blizzard did with their dungeons to accomodate BfA mythic+ would be a shame.

Okay, but again this is why I bring up alts and raids being too limited in scope. Alliance raids fall in line with the same exact problems as dungeons. They are easy, no-brain events that have no relevant rewards. Raids and Savage raids do, but they are soooooo damn boring. Teleport to a boss arena 4 times. Collect loot. Done. There presently isn’t even Euraka, and they killed the one progressively difficult content, the deep dungeons, for Shadowbringers.

Basically, the problem with 14 is that you are so gated in everything, and the content is so easy (outside of Savage, which is again just 4 bosses), and alts are impractical, you can pretty much be done the first day or two of the week and not bother to log in the other days.

Mythic plus fixes this problem in WoW, especially for mid-range players like myself who want more than just dungeon finder but not quite as hardcore as Mythic raids.

I don’t know what they can do to make dungeons in 14 relevant again. But they need to do it, because as time goes by we’re getting less and less content per patch.

No, all who play FF14 must inform the world!

It’s a good game, hard to believe someone would be surprised that someone would want to share that fact.

People like sharing their experiences, its human nature. FF14 is a great game, I would like other people to know that. Also, you can play as stripper bunnies.


Its a revelation.

I dont even get it. I tried FFXIV and it sucked so bad. Combat was a clunky mess. Everything is GCD locked( something many WoW players are complaining about blizzard now doing lol) and the only way to progress my character was hours and hours of mindless “walk here and watch the midget elf girl talk” quests.

About subs. Both ESO and FFXIV have more than wow. WoW is PC only and the other two are cross platform that reach a crap ton more players. The one thing FFXIV has over all other cross platform MMO’s is that the PS4 and PC servers are shared.

Correction, ESO would have more players as it’s a FTP.

Isn’t that that’s the kind of reasoning that led Blizzard to introduce Artifact Power and other infinite grinds that you’re never done with? I don’t think that was healthy for the game. Having seen both the “raid logging” of MoP and WoD, and the infinite grinds of Legion and BfA, I think the former is the lesser evil. So I can’t fault SE if they still have caps on badge gear.

So? It’s okay for MMORPGs to have chill battle content, I don’t think everything needs to scale up to stupid hard or else it’s bad or boring content. MMORPGs are social games first, not e-sport pro-gamer competitive shooters. I enjoyed those dungeons the way they were.

I mean I also enjoyed Eureka. It wasn’t hard at all, and honestly it wasn’t great content, but when I was capped and still wanted to play the game I would hop in there, chill and socialize. It wasn’t super hard but it was fun for me.

M+ is obviously a great addition to any MMORPG, but I played XIV until mid-Stormblood and I always enjoyed their dungeons the way they were.

My impression was more that it had a higher skill floor but a lower skill ceiling than WoW. Their almighty Savage mode looked like mere heroic bosses to me. Which is adequate for me but I know a few that would clear that within a week. (Complexity Limit would probably clear those Savage in half a day with no prior knowledge.)

But on the flip side the last trial boss I did in FFXIV (the one with Sisters of the Moon’s floor mechanic from Tomb of Sargeras) would murder your typical raid finder party that still wipes on Vexiona or to the trash leading to Prophet… And I bet some would need DBM for that math boss. :rofl:

I’m not going to defend their raids. They’re pretty and I loved that they were just 8-mans instead of 20, but design-wise they were hot garbage. It’s just a series of mechanics that one-shots people if you fail and then go away. They never do bosses where you have to manage something over the whole fight. No add management. No space management. Just dumb DPS checks so tight that even healers have to spend every GCD on damage.

That said, I really didn’t mind that they were just discrete boss encounters. I don’t think it’s crazy to save the actual raid instance for the casual content (the 24 raids) and keep the hard content to the bosses, because ultimately, in progression, raid time is spent on bosses not on trash.

That said, the new 24 raid sounds like cheap Nier fan service to me. Probably an excuse to have 2B’s hot dress and the Nier soundtrack in the cash shop once the Nier collab is over, like they did with the FF13 collab.

I think we both want different things. It seems the things I identify as detriments you like, and vice versa.

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I can think of things I really want WoW to steal from FFXIV.

-better animations on in-engine cutscenes where your character appears
-commendations (commend a party member you were randomly grouped with. commendation points can be exchanged for cosmetics)
-Better character creator (though as of Shadowlands WoW is catching up)
-Use of epic music
-collectable emotes

FF14 is about as fun as jerking off with sand paper

i wonder if FFXIV are filled with World of warcraft threads…

something like:

Why im leaving FFXIV for World of Warcraft…

Gosh… that would be so hilarious!

The thing about FFXIV it seems is… They just can’t wait to tell us about it, Like good, cool, you found a game you like, I’m playing wow, Why do you keep pestering me about it?

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