Can not withdraw gold from guild bank

Still busted here. Did the deposit 1g and with draw 5k over and over and redeposited a gold when it would stop working. Did this to buy my 3 tabs

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I am guildmaster of my guild bank and cannot even withdraw 200k to buy tabs for Warbank! BLIZZ please fix this now!


Iā€™ve not been able to take gold out since the 23rd, Iā€™ve tried various increments and nothing the withdraw shows in the money log but the guild bank doesnā€™t go down for available Gold and nothings on my character (and Iā€™m the Guild master).

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Can confirm. Same issue. GM of guild, canā€™t withdraw any gold from the guild bank.


This is so frustrating, GM of several guilds that iā€™m the only member of and canā€™t withdraw anything on most of them. Would have really liked to buy my warband bank today


Yeah Iā€™d love to try out the Warband Bank but all my golds caught up in a guild bank I canā€™t access, so guess Iā€™ll wait another week crosses fingers


There is a workaround that worked for my friend. You must have as much gold on your toon that is doing the withdraw as the amount you are withdrawing. I.E. if you want to withdraw 50k, you must have at least 50k on you.

Well when you have zero gold on you it doesnā€™t work, but thanksā€¦hopefully they will fix it so it works as itā€™s suppose to and hopefully sooner than later (But not holding my breath)

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I have the logs, screenshots, even a video demonstrating the broken state of the game as well as full blizzard cs ticket commentary, across several days, being ping ponged back and forth with contradictory repliesā€¦ Also, just in case Blizzard actually bans me for speaking about how they treated me, i made scrolling videos of the entire cs conversation in both tickets, as well as my posts here on the forums, so as to post freely anywhere / elsewhere.

ā€œThis is a known issueā€¦ā€
ā€œThis issue is currently not knownā€¦ā€

I asked for a refund for my purchase of TWW, was denied ofc, so i asked what they would do about the week i have been unable to play the game as a result of THIS and many more issues the game has had since last weeks update.

When they continuously kept running me and circles, and i finally demanded to speak to someone in management, the next reply, was a threat to ban my account for ā€œharrassmentā€.

This company stinks , and theres not really much more i can do. I did however, cancel sub and cut my losses. It is what it is.


I Had 990,00 gold now it shows I lost 970,00 gold in my bank what the heck . I want my gold back fix the bug or glitch


This bug is actively preventing me from buying things off the BMAHā€¦ this need to be in the very least addressed.

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This KINDA worksā€¦ it stopped working after 2 withdraws and is back to letting me get nothing.

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It was tedious buy I did it and was able to get all my gold out to get my warband Bank tabs

I have reported this multiple times. You think they would have fixed it by now. And the Warbands Bank isnā€™t working for all of the characters in my warband.

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Having the same issue. Tried to withdraw everything as the GM. It shows up in the log, but the gold is still in the bank. After adding 1 gold, I was only able to withdraw the gold I added.


Yes i cannot withdraw anything at allā€¦this is super frustrating as i kept all my gold on my guild accountā€¦BLizzard why arent you addressing this???


Having same issue. I cant seem to figure out a reliant way to withdraw, I started with 500g and then it just stopped. Very annoying. This is also keeping me from utilizing the warband bank since I canā€™t withdraw the gold to afford the tabs. Was looking forward to getting rid of that bank alt and the personal guild but now this!


Looks like another seven days until the next server maintenance (no luck here either)

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This for me too. Guild master toon cant withdraw any at all today.

Having the same issue. The money log shows that it was withdrawn but my characters gold has not gone up.

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