Can not force myself keep playing

Let me ask you a question because I know you’d cherry pick my actual answer. Do you think the players who just and Honor and Conquest Gear with no upgrades are in the majority or the minority?

well said. Of course vanilla and bc were a grind… in fact, overall those versions of the game were probably more of a grind, but it was barely noticeable and didn’t matter, because the devs weren’t lazy and it was an overall rewarding experience. Now it’s like every little aspect of the game is a grind under some system of currency where you have to do the same repeated things on a daily basis… Of course you are free to do what you want, but there’s no point, they make you feel like you have to do your chores, and there’s not much reward in anything else. Also for some reason cosmetics matter more than they need to… lol. I’d rather have other fun things I could grind for, like engineering type stuff that does fun things in the world rather than some outfit. Or maybe some device that upsets the balance of PVP. I honestly liked it better when it wasn’t so balanced and homogenized, whatever that means.


I dont know I dont have access to the statistics.

Yeah you basically just admitted that you’re a simp, also they don’t need your pat in the back, they can see that their own developers are jumping ship and im sure they have their own internal data & metrics anyway.


Right. We don’t have access to it. But you don’t need it to get a clear understanding of what the primary issues are in PvP. And if you pay attention, you’d know that the issue right now is players who get high ilvl gear from the upgrade system and then taking it into Random BGs, you know the place where people are supposed to learn and get their feet wet in PvP, and absolutely flooring casual players.

You want to know what the stats were in MoP according to Holinka?

And WoD improved and fixed the issue that was going on with PvE gear essentially dominating in World PvP with the scaling system. And hmmm. Kind of strange that Blizzard decided to start pulling ideas from the expansion that casuals all the way to top end players have been pointing out to be the superior system when it comes to PvP gearing.

I have yet to see a prominent amount of players coming out and celebrating the new system after experiencing it. I have yet to see players showing excitement around the new iteration they’re doing with a half baked WoD ilvl scaling system.

You seem to jump from the idea that the only way we can truly speak about what’s going on is if it comes from the horses mouth. Well fun fact. They’ll never tell it. For the exact same reason they stopped posting their sub numbers. They don’t want to exaggerate the ongoing decline that’s been a prominent issue for many expansions now. Which by the way, there’s evidence from Superdata saying that back at the beginning of March 41% of the playerbase has already packed up.

The problem I have with speaking to you and other people who will fall head over heels for anything Blizzard related is that they need to come out and state something along the lines of…

“Hey guys. PvP is failing. The ladder is not in a good place. And it’s just not going to work. We’re shutting it down”

… otherwise you believe everything is hunky-dory. Like you need the game to shut down in order for you to believe that things aren’t as amazing as you probably think they are.

I know you’re going to give me the “I don’t care” response but you want to avoid being called a simp? Stop negating clear signs and information presented. If you’re having a good time then fine. But pretending that nothing is wrong and all the feedback is rubbish? That’s some serious shill behavior.


Everyone /point and /laugh at the Blizzsimp. A panda too go figure.

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Nothing wrong with that! Enjoy your break, however long that may be! Shouldn’t force yourself to play a game you no longer enjoy.



While I don’t agree with everything said… Shadowlands is pretty bad. While they listened and improved some of the annoying parts of BFA, they doubled down on others and introduced some that are even worse.

They really need to stop giving gaming theorists seats at the table. It feels like they took a mediocre expansion and gave it to a team to make it way worse by parsing the limited content out over a hundred week period - all completely on rails.


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Well said and I fully 100% agree with this post. My paying time went from 8-10-14 hours a day to like 3 mins a day, long enough to login flip mission and log back out.

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People crying about grinding makes as much sense as the people crying about rng. You can check drop rates on wowhead for pretty much everything in the game since vanilla. It didn’t magically become an rngfest or a grind. It’s literally been this way since day 1.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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That’s what happens when you have a lead dev and his followers who thought a business minded game would be fun.


You’re still having enough fun to continue spending your time, effort, and money here. Lets stop pretending we don’t enjoy the game, else we wouldn’t still be here.

Where you been hiding under a rock? Just look at all the complaints, enough said.


The forum has always been a bunch of angry posters, this is something that has been common since the dawn of the game. The only place you see so many unhappy players is the official forum and youtube.

Enough fun? What flipping missions?
My time? What 2-3 mins a day?
My money? :rofl: I haven’t spent one cent of this game since tokens came out. I have SO much gold I keep buying tokens when I am still only playing 2-3 mins a day to flip missions, your point is irrelevant.

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You are making sure they get an extra $5 they wouldn’t have gotten if you’d paid for a month. Good on you sticking it to the man! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Good for them, who cares? It’s only gold.

Many people make this claim but many players with crazy amounts of gold flaunt it with mounts, crazy rare mogs, card game pets, all sorts of stuff. I’ve yet to see an actual in-game rich player who doesn’t flaunt it.

If I hated wow to the point some of you seem to I would stop playing at all. That’s 3m per day you won’t ever get back. Use it on something you enjoy.

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You’re indirectly funding the game through tokens. I mean, you do you, but you’re hardly ripping Blizz off.

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