Can NOT change Phone number associated with account

Dear Customer Support,

I am a subscriber. My phone died. I got a new one with a new number. Doing due diligence I went to update my new number associated with my account. And there by entered customer support hell. I can not change my number without authenticating it from the dead phone, dead number. I can not disassociate the authenticate/sim protection without confirming from my dead number, dead phone. And I can not contact Customer Support without confirming my account from the dead phone, dead number. Slightly infur…frustrating this loop of non support. But fortunately I can no longer access my game to play either, because i have to confirm my account now from a dead number, dead phone. So that’s a plus? I would greatly appreciate a means by which we could end this loop of non support and update my new number which i can not post here and you will not accept until it is confirmed by the dead phone, dead number. Guess I could call you…oh…right. you killed that. Regardless I look forward to your solution to this cheerful Blizzard Loop of Non Support. Cheers BBG

Sure ya can, Kobewan.

Log out of the website and go through anon prompts.

I’d suggest Live Chat when it is open.


You can contact a GM to remove the authenticator here:

You can bypass the phone authentication with the “Submit ticket with image of ID” option.


When you get it set up again, document your authenticator’s serial number and restore code. Then if you need to change phones again, you can restore it on the new phone.


Ruffle gave some great advice regarding the serial number and restore code :slight_smile: Another great option to consider once you’re up and running with the new phone is SMS Protect…or I think they might be calling it Blizzard Phone Notifications now?!?

It can help you to remove an authenticator through text messages. Just another great feature to consider. And if you use both, you’ll also get 4 extra item slots in your main backpack!