If u can see the trust lvl 3 lounge that will tell you.
On my profile it says “Trust Level regular”
But if u click forums and scroll down if you see lounge then u have lvl 3.
Ah, I see, now I understand. I was able to find this “Lounge” category, so I am indeed Level 3, and I didn’t even know lol. I have no idea when I got this level.
That is indeed also the summary marker to indicate TL3.
Merrily scrolling along and all of a sudden I see nothing but gray bars across the page, as if some posts have been redacted. All the way down. What’s up with that? I finally stopped scrolling and chose another topic.
Also, and I’m sure this is the fault of my ISP, but if I leave it on auto-scroll, I’ll come back and the battlenet icon is going around in circles. Does this happen to anyone else and what do you do about it – just restart your rig?
When I see this, I take it to mean that something has glitched the data feed from the forum server into the browser. The browser knows that you’ve scrolled down enough for it to fetch and display the next few posts (which is what the gray bars represent) but the contents of the posts aren’t forthcoming from the server (for any number of technical reasons) so you just wind up with the placeholders able to scroll around but containing no content.
Usually it straightens itself out on a few moment.
Basically you just scrolled too far and the forums haven’t caught up. It happens on other endless scrolling sites too. Eventually you hit the bottom of the list of things the site has cached for view basically. Usually just leaving it alone to catch up is enough, but it will get increasingly worse as you keep going. The site not only has to keep looking for the next article on page, but also keep track of everything you’ve already scrolled past.
Hope that made sense!
It sure did (make sense)! Thanks, Jeysca and Sniperorc, for explaining.
Glad it wasn’t “Big Bro”, checking on us!
This happens to me as well when my browser gets bogged down. Somehow I think each post is treated as iindividual web pages & as I’m scrolling at certain points it just has to catch up.
I say that because if I open my browser history after going through a forum topic it is chock full of forum URLs for each entry of that topic.
Thanks, Shazz, for your reply. I took a look at my history, and ja, I see what you mean.
I like The Lounge’s trust level 3 because I can “spread” my creative wings a bit wider there, and because people have gotten to know me a bit better there, and have gotten “used” to my “unorthodox” style of play and communication.
That’s not to say I don’t have friends elsewhere in the forums ---- I like to believe that I do, and I enjoy interacting with them, no matter the topic (s) being discussed. It took me a long time to learn the nuances of the game, and I got help from all of the forums.
I also understood (finally) that :Trust Level 3* was a “pilot program” and I wound up there because of a “happy coincidence” and not because I sub-consciously “achieved” some kind of goal.
I just wanted to say that I am grateful to everyone for helping me understand WoW, no matter where they “reside” on the forums.
EDITED TO ADD: Reading the required number of posts has given me a little more of an “education” (albeit limited) about the game. Terminology such as “pre-mades” , “syncs” and “dropping a queue” have introduced me to a whole new kind of player. There are more phrases, but since I’m strictly solo, I won’t venture there – only to say I never realized that folks could get so “exercised” about the way they play the game.
It’s okay, though. The posts I have read sure did defend their position and defended it well*. Also, who am I to criticize? I too have my own “method” of play and would defend it just as strongly. Luckily, I haven’t had to do that. Carry on, my friends!
*For the most part. I take issue with the name calling. Being “incorrect” is not the same as being a liar, imo.