I’ve started playing around with base Classic (I’ve no interest in tbc/wrath/som).
Have started a toon on Arugal, and enjoying the chance to potter around at my own pace.
Have noticed there is absolutely nothing on the AH. Have they been shut down, or just inactive?
Also, will it be safe to remain playing on non tbc Classic without fear of rolling servers over to Wrath?
Hey the Classic Era realms are sparsely populated but you can find active communities depending on where ya look. Going off the Blue Post for CE Realm Connections:
Your realm Arugal is connected to two others (Felstriker and Yojamba). I play on Incendius in the NA PvP East Cluster that houses 5 realms total and it is also pretty small. The NA PvP Westcoast Cluster receives free transfers from other Classic Era PvP realms onto Whitemane while the NA PvE Eastcoast Cluster receives free transfers from other Classic Era PvE realms onto Mankrik. As for your second question, don’t worry. Classic Era realms are founded on not progressing down any of retail’s past expansions.
We have a small active guild on Horde side Classic Era OCE PVP servers (Arugal, Felstriker, Yojamba).
Thanks for the heads up 
I’ve recently joined the family 
(The Rogue who just 1-shot his poisons quest).
Is a nice change of pace, and while I won’t be able to raid, I can potter around during the day.
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the best NA classic era server clusters are the whitemane one and the mankirk one
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From what i’ve seen, Mankrik on both sides is the most populated. Alliance is a lot more populated than horde, however.
yeah horde still clears naxx every week
Tax and co will look after you, I moved to Whitemane for a working AH and more people to hang out with. There ain’t many toons online during the Aussie evening, so if you can’t log in during the day I’d suggest staying.