Can i disable the 'potentially offensive message' nonsense?

And there we go you now admit to openly discrimination in order to right the past wrongs. I knew we would get there.

And now Asians have been discriminated against when it comes to college admissions and females are over represented. Should we than say no to woman and allow more Asians in. Or should we wait another 20 years to be more fair?

Honestly I can’t even understand this insanity. None of this is based on any logic at all.

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you are sitting here saying we need to keep our discrimination…

you are giving no solution to fix the discrimination.

like. your stance was expected.

Nope I’m saying we hire based off skill and the ability to do a job. Thats equality.

If you have a programing position open hire the best programmer. Don’t make do with someone who fits a skin color or gender type because it fills a quota.

If you want the job than get to work on becoming a better candidate.

You realize that:

  1. You are not a “victim of abuse” because you are moderated for not following the rules YOU agreed to. If someone else breaks the rules, report them.
  2. The company in question is not a small indie company on a shoestring budget. The people you are talking about have been with Blizzard since nearly the start. Almost 20 years.

You are trying to deflect and again force your own values on others who don’t agree. You don’t walk into a place with rules - read the rules and agree to them - then act like a victim who is entitled to force their views on everyone else.

You get to do that when you own and run something - this is not a public square, a utility, or even considered social media.

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But you are ignoring the discrimination we have that slants that towards a certain people.

Because it supports you.

You are ignoring the practical effects of the world for a overly focused hypothetical that can not exist in a vaccuum.

If everyone was treated fairly, you would absolutely be right. But they arent.

Your failure to see this means you dont understand the issue. Or you support how discrimination sets certain people up to fail.

I cant have a conversation on a person that wants to focus on feelings and ignore the facts of a situation.

right. because the mod team hasnt been expanded in 20 years.

and since you clearly didnt get the reference, google ‘the cosby suite’.

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Haha. No it really doesn’t. I’m autistic so I’m out for most white collar jobs. I’m extremely disagreeable as a personality trait so I’m out for any people person jobs, and I have quite a few physical disabilities as well that are near tot he point of preventing any kind of factory work.

I understand the argument perfectly well. A black kid in an inner city doesn’t have the same schooling as an Asian child and therefore can’t be held to the same standards latter in life.

To this I say BS. Its on each individual to improve their own life. You can be given a bad hand in life but if you work at it you can do perfectly well.

Hell I’m an example of that as I wasn’t able to read or do math until the 6th grade. Yet here I am today because I worked hard at improving myself.

I don’t just dismiss black kids because of their skin color instead I tell them you are smart enough and I expect better. You are engaging in the idea of discrimination through low expectations. Thats just as racists as what you claim I am. Worse its not helping the people you think it does.

You need adversity and challenges in order to grow. They have that so let them grow instead of telling them its ok not to.

Got it.

Racism and discrimination is ok, until we get to job hiring. Then its only ok if it hurts minorities.

Thats all you had to say.

You arent suggesting racism and discrimination are wrong at other levels. Only when it comes to hiring people.

Maybe the majority just needs to see job hiring discrimination as…


Or is “working hard against a bad hand” something that only applies to minorities?

No it doesn’t only apply to minorities. I taught grown men how to read and have helped several dozen people obtain a GED while in prison. White, black, latino it doesn’t matter.

Because despite what you might think white children have had no fathers and been raised poor as dirt with no one who cares about them as well.

Some people prioritized the wrong things as a child like I did. You can either keep doing that and end up back in prison or you can bust your rear and learn how to do the things that you never learned to and change. I can’t help those people make that decision but I can help them once they have made it. And you know what none of the men who have had GED’s have gone back to prison but many of the ones who got pissed and played victims did.

Again if you just let people skate by without improving themselves they never will.


It depends on what your opinion is, Jarddy. When that opinion includes calling other people names, then yes, we consider that trolling.

I believe this one has gone on long enough. We originally allowed it because the request is a valid suggestion, but the discussions have become increasingly problematic.