The person you quoted used it in what look to be an attempt at quotes as well. Does that make it appropriate for the forums? I used it to call attention to the slur and object to it’s use. I realize since it’s primarily aimed towards women it’s use is far more acceptable than other common slurs but it’s offensive nonetheless.
You are a community mvp and yet you’re down in the mud arguing and feeding your ego by trying to prove yourself right. You should be held to a higher standard and act accordingly. If not lose the green text and go for it!
Oh bugger off, someone using the term “karen” is beyond classified as a slur and it’s offensive to even compare it to genuine slurs. I was hoping you were being sarcastic but I don’t know anymore lmao.
Which is irrelevant to what you literally said.
If you are in organized, none queued content, the group doesnt have to vote to kick you, they could even vote for you to stay, you’d still be kicked by whoever was lead or assist (if in raid)
You clearly have stopped or you wouldnt be here whining about not being able to say the things your permanently teen-aged brain wants to say.
I think it does, I wouldn’t know, because alternatively, if he actually participated positively in the forums enough, he’d have the member level we do where we can post links just fine.
Transgender individuals, encompassing both those seeking gender-affirming surgery and those who have undergone it, demonstrate a significantly elevated risk of developing PTSD compared to the general population [10,23]. Among those who seek access to gender-affirming surgery, the commonality of discrimination, interpersonal assault, and a lack of social support have been identified as influential factors in the development of PTSD within this group [23]. Financial stress and insufficient insurance coverage prove to be significant obstacles for those trying to access gender-affirming surgery. Additionally, the limited availability of medical professionals with expertise in gender-affirming procedures, particularly in areas of lower socioeconomic status, further exacerbates the challenges faced by individuals seeking such care [[10]website)]. However, it is important to consider PTSD development in those who have undergone gender-affirming procedures. The emergence of PTSD following surgery often stems from the pre-operative challenges (such as harassment, limited social support, etc.) in conjunction with suboptimal surgical outcomes and insufficient psychiatric assistance.
For someone who cares about mental health, you sure didn’t read the study well.
I know what that’s like all too well. However I often believe I’m the one w/ lesser intelligence. I keep on being proven wrong, which scares me 'cause I ain’t all that bright.
My fear is more of the interaction itself, then what the persons opinion of me might be.
So you’re down with ageist, sexist, racist slurs as long as they’re only targeted at a certain demographic. Got it. Also isn’t trying to circumvent the ToS but still tell me “off” a bannable offense?
Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not (3.47% vs. 0.29%, RR 95% CI 9.20-15.96, p < 0.0001). Compared to the tubal ligation/vasectomy controls, the risk was 5.03-fold higher before propensity matching and remained significant at 4.71-fold after matching (3.50% vs. 0.74%, RR 95% CI 2.46-9.024, p < 0.0001) for the gender affirmation patients with similar results with the pharyngitis controls.
now please stop derailing this conversation about CENSORSHIP.
I dont even know how you’re still trying to make it into something it isn’t. But here we are 642 posts in a thread that should have been closed 300 posts ago attempting to be personally offended by something that is demonstrably not a slur.
No, it isn’t ageist, sexist, or racist. It refers to a particular behaviour of anyone who does a “I want to speak with your manager”-spiel. A common aspect of Karens is that they are middle aged middle class people who are racists and would call the police, or pretend to, in order to threaten other people. It is but one of many ways a Karen would behave.
No, it isn’t sexist, ageist, racist, a slur, or anything else of the nonsense like that. Literally the only ones who have ever referred to Karen being a slur are Karens who are upset that no one likes their bigotry, threats, or narcissistic entitlement.
Yes, and then it completely explains those numbers.
You talked about nuance before and then completely skipped the discussion part or thinking critically about what groups its comparing.
“The results of this study indicate that patients who have undergone gender affirmation surgery are associated with significantly higher risks of suicide, self-harm, and PTSD compared to general population control groups in this real-world database.”
This study is comparing trans people who got GAS to non trans/not seeking GAS people. This doesnt prove GAS causes higher suicide rates in any way. It says people who get or seek it are already predisposed to being suicidal. No one is contesting that.
In fact, the garbage you spewed about men in dresses is specifically the cause of those elevated numbers.