And now I know that the game became more sensitive since 2005 and now I should move to discord for actual ability to talk.
Neat! I am rated TV-MA:LSV
Correct. You have figured it out. If you want to talk like that do it where it is allowed.
No shot, that is the whole point of the thread. The game is now treating people like 6 yo’s.
you still can. you just might get in trouble if it’s reported. just like in the past. nothing has changed there.
heck yeah i bet the cool dudes you say slurs with in discord will be so impressed
I saw no no words on the screen, help me!
modern wow is all about being woke. gotta walk on eggshells can’t offend nobody. its why they replaced male and female with body type 1 and 2 lmfao
Rules were the same, tools improved.
careful, might get reported for claiming you arent 6. thats super offensive you know.
Tbh for this, Id just recommend a chat filter like badboy.
Then you can block certain words or phrases you don’t like vs any potential thing that can be said lol.
Wait until you find out about the parent groups that thought D&D was devil worship, that rock and roll was turning their kids to the devil, that all the crime ever was caused by media.
They went to congress, they marched, they protested. Then we got ratings boards.
It happens every single generation and it has nothing to do with “internet” anything or modern society. There is always a group upset about something - and at least one thing is kind of universal - profanity is not allowed in polite company around strangers.
Be happy you did not get your mouth washed out with soap - that was pre internet days though.
Yeah, that is why it is so sad to see it happening in wow more and more. People are going out the game to actually play like an MMO because the game censors too much now.
It’s like soccer moms are taking over.
Am I that old? /sad
And the replies have all been “Its been that way but now the tools to see/report it are better. You are free to go somewhere it is allowed”
and we ignored them. rightfully so.
just like all the people whining about bad words, or pvp happening on pvp servers, should have ALSO been ignored.
lol damn u ppl really wanna cuss someone out lmao
Yes, we are. I can confirm that Ivory tastes terrible. Do not recommend.
And that is just sad. They’re turning their social game is where you can’t be social because you can’t speak without using newspeak. Instead of saying F that, you gotta say Freak that. Now instead of saying suicide, we say sewer slide. No more enslave, we subjugate.
How far do we need to walk on egg shells to not get banned because someone got offended?
I am social daily. I have enough self control to not swear in public chats. It’s not terribly difficult.
control speech, and you control the narrative. control that, and you control everything.