Can i disable the 'potentially offensive message' nonsense?

They could do that without warmode. Using guards to gank has been happening since vanilla. I was there for Booty Bay and Crossroads PVP 20 years ago.

corpses are peaceful. life is conflict. these people dogpiling me for not wanting to be treated with kid gloves are probably just doing it in a vain attempt to feel alive. its almost conflict, but nice and safe. so they can ‘fight’ without any semblance of risk.

i mean seriously, if the tos was applied fairly half these people would be penalized for bullying (or trying to). which, tbh, i wouldnt want to see. they are quite welcome to say all the mean things to me they like.

i might think they are all virtue signally brain dead shmucks whose opinions arent worth spit… but i will still defend with my life their right to share them.

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Yeah, game took censorship to a whole new level recently. It didn’t used to be this bad. A lot of cursing? They told us to put on the filter. Actual racial slurs? Of course you get suspended or bad.

Now? A lot of cursing is an automatic suspension without warning and I hope slurs is just straight up bans but they use new dog whistle terms now which aren’t “slurs”.

It is like how youtube trained content creators to not use certain words so they start to use words that just sound like it, example, sewer slide.

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What are you talking about this has nothing to do with the guards it has to do with phasing they disappear the second they cross the gate into the city because they are on a different shard of Org.

It is always funny how when i say i want more lax chat filters they always jump to i want to say slurs. I want people to be able to say pretty much whatever they want, like it used to be.


If they are in the city they were protected anyway. Escaping PVP has been a thing since its inception. Im sorry the method changing is confusing you.

i see and take part in plenty of conversations in game, both in town and in instances. maybe everyone just has you on ignore because they find you obnoxious or unpleasant?

That’s the same indifference that leads to so many bad things, in fiction and nonfiction, but you don’t seem the type to want actual conversation so I won’t go into it.

Based on your earlier replies I can only assume that you think being labeled a bigot because you said or did bigot things offends you, but not actually saying or doing the bigoted things themselves offends you.

how shocking
Let me know if that’s incorrect

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This has already been established to not be the case upthread.

Bingo, the ones that project like that truly love the idea how newspeak. Controlled language.

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This thread wasn’t here back in 2005. That was always the case until now. Want an example of that? Look back at old barrens chat. That was basically 4chan on wow.

Hence the meme “I survived Barren’s chat”.

Listen I have been banned too many times for paranoia about mods to hit me. And I will defend my beliefs but it is funny how you use that to paint yourself as a victim instead of someone engaged in a conversation. Besides there were pretty peaceful, I never got banned for any of those. I guess it really is in the eye of the beholder.

They’re Alliance in Org how are they protected? First off you don’t drop your flag entering Org even as Horde in war mode do you even do any world PvP because you don’t seem to know the first thing about war mode.

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.mmo-champion. /threads/1140967-Swearing-in-WoW

Here is a thread from 2012 (that is over a decade ago) with people letting you know swearing in public can get you a ban.

Indeed, that is rectifed 2 posts down.

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And yet that never happened until now. The rules were always the same but it was more like a guideline. Hence Barren’s chat being a thing.

There are literal examples of it happening in that thread. 12 years ago.

Less people reported for it because it was just bants back in the day. Then the internet got flooded with pansies.


And for those ones, it was usually actual racial slurs than just saying F a lot. Context matters.

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not to people who think nuance is a perfume