Can i disable the 'potentially offensive message' nonsense?

It happens. That’s the forums power being used. I’ve had posts deleted and reported constantly. However, I get a lot of likes, even on past posts I made from way back. Shows that in the end, no matter how much people hate you, there’s just as many who agree with you. They may not express it cause this forum and its uses are very rapid with shutting and reporting posts they don’t like to see (they have no lives after all). But you win silently. Even though your post is flagged, you already have 20 likes. That happens to many flagged topics, so it just shows you’re not as bad as you think.


You called them the opposition and suggested they shouldn’t get involved because they have a status we don’t. Your reasoning was flawed but if you want to run in another circle here’s one for you to roll through on your own.


Your opinion is noted. I am not here to make people happy or get agreement. Sometimes I say things that people don’t want to hear. Like this thread.

MVPs are regular posters - in addition to having an informational role - we are allowed to also have an opinion on things, to discuss things, to disagree with people.

We can’t turn the green off, and are not allowed to switch posting characters. Anything we say is green. To think that means we can’t have opinions or anything else is absurd.

What we can’t do is violate the forum rules. I can’t use profanity, masked profanity, slurs, hateful speech, discuss illegal things, bring up sexual thing, etc. Just like everyone else. I would be held responsible.

You seem to think I am the enemy here - but that is only true if you think that accepting what I agreed to is bad. I am old. I read the rules and if I don’t like it, I go somewhere else! I am responsible for my own decisions - where I post, how I post, and the consequences of my posting are all mine. Not something I blame on the company, the other posters, or anything else.

The sooner people realize that they are responsible for their own decisions and the consequences of their own actions the better.


how are you helping?


the issue seems to be is that you do not understand the green text program


The adults in the room do, because the information she provided was relevant to the discussion.

I realize that you consider logic and rationality “the enemy”. This has been well demonstrated.


The things you will tell yourself to justify nastiness is crazy.


But Vulkova is correct.


The 90’s and early 2000’s were a different time, a better time. They were saying words on tv that would get you banned from wow nowadays.


Giving information doesn’t make one an adversary.

Also incorrect.

  1. Mira gave information. Nothing more.
  2. They are not support staff.
  1. There is no such thing as mass reporting. It only takes a few flags to get a post hidden.
  2. No one can “delete” you.

You need to take a step back from this forum, I think. The drama is overboard.

Edit: thanks to some weird forum bug, somehow being out of town forced me off the forum and now I’m stuck on this character? Why, forum… why…


Oh no im bring censored

Not on daytime child or teen viewed content. The FCC has very very strict limits on what language and topics can be used and when. Almost all profanity is not allowed, ever. It has to be beeped out. Some things are required to be late night only. Others are not allowed on broadcast TV at all. They have to be opt-in cable. Which is where you hear all sorts of things that would get a broadcastTV station sanctioned.



No. they aren’t.

Calling someone the f word, or the n word, or telling them they should unalive themselves wasn’t okay then, and it’s not okay now, for example. What changed is the enforcement of that and the general public’s dislike of it.

This is not the take you think it is.
CoD lobbies werent okay back then either. They just werent enforced, for the best example.
Slavery, and all its wickedness, was seen as “the norm” and “perfectly okay” for 400 years by the majority of the land holding population, that doesnt mean it was actually okay, that means the majority just didn’t care.

Now, it’s shifted the other way, and the people who didn’t shift now voice their opinion daily, and would love for it to go back to that.

In this context, the view has shifted away from the majority thinking it’s “funny and cool” to say things like the examples I gave above and are throwing fits about it.

To claim anything else, or to twist my words to mean anything that isnt remotely sunshine and rainbows, is just dishonest.

Things being bad, and people in power having the option to enforce the acknowledgement that what was said was bad, is two entirely different things.

Bullying and making fun of minorities, LGBT people, or anything of that nature isn’t any different than it was 20 years ago. The difference is the amount of people that turn the other way or make excuses for the behavior has changed.


This is more of an issue with how the reporting system is being used. Since they removed the downvote option people show their displeasure with a statement by reporting it. I would say a good number of people are lurkers so the upvote/ downvote was their way of contributing to the conversations.

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Those examples you gave were but a minority in the exchange of communication. Having been there myself, those people did not last long, and not everyone invited them or socialized with them. So even back then, we knew how to section ourselves off from troublesome people. The problem today is that your reactions are too heavyhanded to the point of just outright censoring someone entirely.


Yes they were. Online gaming was more fun when you could be more free to use more colorful language. Pearl clutchers ruined it. But oh well i can still have fun, just not as much.


lol this guy measures how much fun he’s having by how many slurs he can say per hour


Oh yes, the decade that gave us the parental advisory sticker and games that needed cheat codes for blood.

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That is not what is being brought up with either you or their comments. That is the point I’m making. You are both crying you can’t be as nasty as you were 20 years ago in those lobbies. Those lobbies are the exact example I made.

Nothing has changed, it’s just actually enforced now. The exact same rules were in place 20 years ago, for this game, and longer, for others. They just werent enforced.

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You really are on a crusade.

Imagine living in a world where when someone puts facts in front of you, they become the enemy.

Me thinks you are taking this Forum PvP a little too seriously.