Can I cash in my gold?

This is the key plot point of Neal Stephenson’s REAMDE, and a feature of the fictional mmo, T’rainn, but it is not a feature supported in WoW.

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Nah I tried that once they said no. They are ultra greedy with their money.

Even Disney World will convert your Disney dollars back into USD if you threaten legal action. Someone should take ION to court.

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Lol. I’ve had to respond to some… incidents.
I’ve walked in on several scenes where a few minutes more and someone was throwing punches.

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I got a sale sign thrown at me once. lol


So you have to threaten legal action for them to do something you want? And… you use them as a example that Blizzard should follow? Seriously?

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I beg of you. Please do this.

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depends on your state/country. California for example, they have to if and only if your remaining balance was paid for with real money.

I’ve personally gotten refunds from Blizzard before for digital purchases, where I had them remove paid digital items from my account and give me my money back (I’m a California resident).

Pretty much one of the few benefits of being a California resident… all those shiny shop items in my account are technically “on loan” :wink: If I push hard enough, I can probably even get a refund for shop mounts I’ve purchased years ago.

It’s just like giftcards or vouchers too, california is one of the few states in the US where giftcards and vouchers, even ones that have a written “expiration date” on them do not expire and retain their paid value. California is the reason why websites such as groupon, their vouchers always retain the value you paid for them beyond the discount’s expiration date… they had a class action lawsuit against them some years ago out of california for their vouchers expiring that they lost back in 2012 (I got ~$300 out of it in cash settlement and groupon credit) :stuck_out_tongue:

This is why I wouldn’t be good in retail. I know most businesses have policies against pinning a person to the ground by their head.


ROFLMAO I would’ve paid to see that. :rofl:


If I took ION to court I would have my lawyer cosplay as a paladin.

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So you want to be laughed out of court?


Oh I know several people that work for DG… they have wanted me to come sit at their store just to deal with certain “customers”.


So… you’d lose?

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Nah ION would probably get charged with contempt for waving his limbs around too much.

You cant get real physical money from it but you can get a Bnet Account balance which can:
1.) Pay for subscriptions (WoW Monthly access)
2.) Pay for In-Game rewards like store pets, mounts, toys, etc.
3.) Pay for other Blizzard/Activision games from their launcher
4.) Pay for Expansions (I purchased Shadowlands w/ Bnet Balance used from trading in gold)
5.) Other services such as Blizzcon virtual ticket can be purchased via gold trade in to Bnet account balance. I’ve done this a year ago.

You can by no means take the Bnet account balance and transfer it to your bank account.

I’m guessing its Sunday for OP.

I wish I could but I can’t use it on the BLIZ Gear Store.

They really lock your gold in to the point of being worthless!

Nope !!. You can’t transfer $ earned by tokens from balance to your bank account :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t do that either , heh heh

That would be the day that the game becomes 99% bots.