Can dragons from different flights mate with each other?
Edit: I should’ve said breed to be more specific
Can dragons from different flights mate with each other?
Edit: I should’ve said breed to be more specific
Not that I know of off hand.
If they can mate, the offspring would only have the power and color of one flight or else Deathwing wouldn’t have had to create Chromatic dragons to do that.
We have never seen it because Blizzard has an inherent aversion to mixed race/mixed heritage same race children except for Human/Thalassian High Elves and the singular instance of Orc/Draenei produced by gratuitous SA in the narrative they have repeatedly and thoroughly mishandled
I personally headcanon that if two dragons have a baby the kids have a 50/50 chance of taking after one of the two parents flight-wise
and if you want a bit of “edgelord” in the story, lets say if a kid manages to be born of mixed magic (eg a red and blue produce a purple egg), then that egg is killed because the dragons of scared of producing a “genetic” chromatic dragon
I may be wrong but uh… wasn’t Deathwing the one the Horde was using with Alexstraza to get all those dragons during the Second War? Like, I thought part of the reason he allied with the Horde was… that.
I believe they had Alexstrasza hostage as well as one of her consorts to produce the eggs.
I think the point Baal is making is that those rare moments that mixed race kids are produced, it’s usually via a SA narrative that as one would suspect, does not age very well. Just look at how poorly and outdated the whole thing with Alexstraza was during the second war. It’s horrible and disgusting
The only ones Blizz writes and seems to love are Half elf kids. But that shouldn’t suprise anyone
To be fair, anything other than high/blood elf and human offspring would require a unique in game model, and they don’t want to do that unless it’s a major character.
I still feel like they were lazy with the orc/draenei in game model.
Alexstrasza was being coerced with her own flight, not with Deathwing
“Half elf” looking customization was only added recently and we’ve had half elves since vanilla
Garon does not have a unique model either
They can just use a given model or even combine via customization
eg slap some troll tusks on a tauren, slap some tauren horns on an orc
Well, there’s only one somewhat prominent Half-Elf, and that’d be Arator the Redeemer. That said, I wouldn’t say he’s been particularly fleshed out or ever focused on really. He appeared in BC, and then just… not again until Legion, but only if you were a Paladin. There may or may not have been a moment of him meeting Turalyon and Alleria on the Vindicaar? I can’t recall.
And Arator hasn’t done anything since then really.
Rexxar, on the other hand, well, he had an entire WC3:TFT Bonus Campaign as it’s main character, became Champion of the Horde, and was part of the Horde player’s Onyxia attunement questline back in Vanilla. He had a showing in BFA, although his characterization wasn’t exactly spot on.
I’d say if Blizzard really enjoys writing for any half-race, it’d be the Mok’Nathal. They even had an entire village dedicated to them in Burning Crusade.
If I had to guess, I’d say the Medan fiasco really turned them away from focusing on non-established/successful lore characters of mixed racial heritage.
I don’t understand why you’re saying it’s false. The live game has a unique half elf model for Kalec. No one said we were talking strictly about vanilla.
Edit: It was easy to get away with not having a unique model for that race mix back then because you could say only their ears might be different and use your imagination. But a Night elf and a Tauren mix wouldn’t fly.
And yes Garona has a unique model (It’s not that unique), she has a little bit of blue on her arms, the laziest thing they could possibly do.
Now, not then, not for many years, and Garona still stands cuz that is not a unique model and you cannot claim that seriously
To be fair. Rhonin and Veressa Windrunners half elf kids are still kicking around somewhere lorewise. They might not have made a ingame appearance, but they’re still out there, maybe we’ll get to see them someday as adult adventurers. Than there’s the first Guardian of Tirisfal, the half elf Alodi, Arator as you mentioned and Kalec has a half elf visage.
It’s just a thing blizz does is all I’m saying. Something not being super mainstream doesn’t mean blizz didn’t enjoy it at the time they were added
That’s certainly fair. There’s been a handful of named Half-Elf characters, whereas Rexxar is virtually the only Mok’Nathal of note. That having been said, he’s had more focus, characterization, and involvement than the cast of Half-Elves combined.
Also, I don’t really count Kalecgos. He has a Half-Elf Visage, but he is still a dragon.
I’ll be honest : I go with the idea that unless specifically stated otherwise, interbreeding is possible between all of the vaguely humanoid sentient species, if only through magical means. If it wasn’t the case, then explain how couples like Orcs & Draenei, Earth Elementals & Keepers of the Grove, and Elune & freaking Malorne, could produce viable offspring ??? The truth of the matter is, the writers will definitely take the freedom to go for any combination imaginable, as long as it fits the narrative/character concept they have in mind
So something as dull as Dragons from another Flight ? Yeah. It stands to reason they could. UNLESS… the Titans genetically/magically altered them not to be able to do so, in order to prevent the birth of potentially dangerous individuals wielding several of the immense Titan-entrusted powers over things as cosmically important as Time, Life and Arcane. Alternatively, as Baal suggested, interbreeding between different Flights may be a strong, deeply culturally ingrained taboo for the aforementioned reason—maybe even a taboo instilled by the Titans themselves
Orcs and draenai was through magic, guldan. Same thing as the orcs being magically grown so they were ready for war. It wasnt natural mating
There is nothing to suggest Gul’dan used magic to create Garona.
Garona was a product of sexual assault. Not of some dark magic.
My bad i was wrong here. Thought i read it somewhere. She was magically aged.
Lantresor is also a half orc half draenei.
Youd think there’d be more of them but i guess blizzard didnt make the orcs like, people, they just pillaged
I don’t see why not. Heck the dragon we sit down with and talk to loved a Black Dragon before the corruption. Even Deathwing contemplated and tried to capture Alexstraza as his mate and Malygos captured a Red Dragon to replace the mate she killed. This isn’t a different species we’re talking about so it should be possible. But I would say that the eggs resulting in that union would be one flight’s color or another.
yes obviously, they’re just different races of the same species.
we even have confirmation of inter-flight relationships from npcs in Dragonflight. that just became less common as the flights grew more distant from each-other
What color would the resulting baby become? Would it be a mix of colors or just become one or the other?
I meant to quote Tenebrys but it didnt work