Can demo lock get a decent burst button?

Does PtP play any better with SL changes?

Playing around an AI like Tyrant has never been appealing.

hunter pets move faster, have a 50 yard charge and can dash.

To expect a pet that has none of that and has cast times too just doesn’t sound fun to me

im not very good at detecting sarcasm


I think you mean demonic consumption is unique.

Tyrant is hardly unique. It’s a reskinned darkglare. It’s serves to extend dots (demons) and deals damage. It’s just a darkglare

The talent is completely propping it up

Look at you lily, all these years of me telling you to stop playing demo have finally paid off

But i was not being sarcastic lmao.

What spec are you going to roll with this expansion? Are you looking at the revamped shadow priest or affliction?