Can demo lock get a decent burst button?

First xpac since wod I won’t even touch my lock. It’s wild how every iteration of demo has gotten worse and worse.

I wish Demo was more gooder in pvp, would really like to play it but it’s just not there.

Delete DH and give us back meta

Ok. Tyrant is just low value infernal.

Why don’t you play one of the other 2 viable and amazing spec. They have better things to worry about than jerk off locks more.

On a base level, sure. But there’s nuance to this – Tyrant’s interaction with the imps and other demons is completely unique and interesting. That’s what makes it such a great cooldown – it’s dynamic, it requires set up, it’s not just something you press willy nilly.

I’d be more interested in Demonology if it was more about tyrant style gameplay honestly. Empowering one pet not summoning hordes of them. Or at least a choice to build one way or the other.

Tyrant is interesting for sure, but I don’t know how you’d play around it without playing with idk a deep roots druid or something. Frost mage. maybe a rogue idk.

Because it’s so dang easy to just avoid.

Honestly, I think the idea of balance is kinda strange. Who decides what’s balanced anyways? Why is “balance” something to even strive for?

I think the game is interesting, perhaps despite or in spite of, the fact that it isn’t balanced. Adapting and overcoming the slings and arrows of game balance, in a way, is a form of existientialism when it comes to game design. Without the constant change and the constant imbalances to adapt to and overcome, games would become stale, meaningless.

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The type of players demo attracts ^_-


You really want to get into some kind of philosophical discussion here? Or you don’t understand that if one person having fun makes the rest of the people not have fun that it’s not good for a community-driven online experience? It’s not complicated. The goal should be some equilibrium where everyone’s got the same, relatively so, value.

To say balance isn’t valued would be like removing weight brackets in a combat sport.

I don’t know why I"m engaging you with this. But to contradict myself, balance also isn’t the be-all-end-all. At least, balance isn’t so simple that it’s more important than individuality and fun. Classes need to be unique. Classes need to have varying strengths and weakness.

So you’re right, inherently, it can’t be balanced. Not universally. Or it’s fun when it’s “not balanced.”

But when it’s excessively imbalanced, that is to say when the scales are tipped too far, that’s when the problems start. And what people are complaining about.

Anyway how tiring is it to log onto this alt every time you want to post? Why not just use your main.

tl;dr balance is less important than avoiding true imbalance.


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Demonology suffers with similar bursting and movement problems for both PvP and PvE. I’ve mention this several times. Blizzard needs to introduce a revamped metamorphosis as a talent. It doesn’t matter if the empowered tyrant will win in sims. Providing burst and mobility will win people over. It’d be easy to balance (as some keep talking about) by turning the casted moves to instant and providing a flat damage buff not controlled by the amount of demons you have. Having a phase start and you don’t have any demons to cast for bursting or to supplement damage is the worst. However, seeing the opposite faction running towards you and you start a long complex rotation to get a bunch of demons out to cast tyrant is annoying. With every other class having burst I doubt you’ll be it past 10 gcds.

Bloomsday are you really giving up on Demo? I thought you would be a lifer. That is sad. It’s cool when people make the rarely played specs work.

I think I’m starting to love the Bloomsday posts.

Demo is a shell of its former self, it’s basically a dot class but the dots have bad ai and are kiteable.

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Tyrant should move while casting and also move faster.

Fel Lord should be brought (dmg wise) back to counter melee too

I honestly wish they strayed away from imp ring leader and made fel guard good again.

I really miss how in classic all locks had decent dots and it was like destro got conflag/ soulfire , aff got Siphon life / Sm , demo got fel Dom / Soul link

I really dislike the feel of dogs / imps / bombers etc.

Wish it was more focused around doom dots baseline , fel guard dmg and abilities and potentially using a 2nd pet even if temporary.

Like thinking of grimore instant cast succubus or 2nd fel guard or imp for dispels and more things along the lines of all the cool utility and dmg pets could do when played around properly.

My all time fav playing demo lock was def meta form in mop/ wod but always wished they played more into what classic demo had where their pets were just tankier / did more dmg and more utilities. Think it could be a really fun spec and it just turned into the worlds largest turret when it could be more of a dot class that also just has beefy pets to manage and micro.

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Turn tyrant into warlock metamorphosis


Genius omg.

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Is Rain of Chaos just a better Nether Portal?

Demo to me has always had an identity crisis, even Meta seemed really goofy

if u consider a rain of infernals on every infernal cd or infernal proc (vision of perfection) a nether portal yes.