Can Collectors Get Some <3

There are a lot of different types of players in this game who like to focus on many different things. One thing I’d say is certain is that most are collectors in some fashion. Maybe they only want one set of tmog, or one mount, or they are like me and try to get everything I can. Either way, it’s a reason to play, and I know for me, I enjoy collecting.

Now with the shift in accessibility that has been somewhat demonstrated so far and spoken about in Bliz’s new paradigm shift, it’s time to address the elephant in the room for collectors.

  1. Currencies in game. In the current iteration, anima is what we seek but there are multiple instances of currencies always gating the acquisition of the game’s knick knacks. In general though they all share the same characteristic in that it’s a grind. Now in the past that grind wasn’t as extensive or rather we didn’t notice it because it was all new to us, but now, it is quite daunting. To collect in Shadowlands, you need 100’s of 1000’s of anima to get everything. This is because all 4 covenants offer things for all 4 armour classes. Now I enjoy working to get something but this task is very, very beyond a simple grind.

With the key buildings all having their own items for tmog to collect, it means you have to level all 4 on 4 different armour class characters to acquire said items. That is also if you remember to use the proper class so that you don’t miss out on things like glaive tmogs for DH. This means, at about a 3k average a day of anima (for my playtime) we are talking about a lot of time spent to acquire said items.

Since it is flavour content and with 9.2 coming up, can we not get a double up on anima drops? Or more? And not have it bound by spending anima to make it up like with the covenant building tier gains? I realize that would make things faster for us, but it would still take a lot of work, just less than the current oppressive grind fest we face now.

  1. Also can we end this lockout stuff for old content? Legacy raids should not be locked on a weekly basis. Heroic TBC dungeons should not have a daily lockout. In short, if i want to do ulduar 100 times a week, farming for tmog, pets or the mount, I should be able too. I should not have to have 100 alts to do it. It’s just senseless in my mind that anything legacy is gated anymore.

  2. Can we look at drops from rares etc? If it’s a long spawn, the drop rate has to stop being so stupidly low. If it’s a yearly event, same thing. If it’s a low drop rate, the source needs to spawn faster. There is so much time wasted waiting in this game instead of doing. I’d rather kill something, not get an item, and move on each day on some sort of path, than wait 40 mins at each point and not get an item for months, and in some cases years. I mean Bliz you guys most know of this problem for us, and I can’t help but think it’s intentional. We don’t like it. Please help us out.

  3. Can we get drop protection on collectables. It works well in other games. Can we do it here? In my above example, maybe Mim’s head doesn’t drop over 100 runs, but at least if I got a token each time, I’m working towards an achievable goal. You’ve done protection before as with legendaries and they affected gameplay power. This doesn’t. It just lets me spend more time doing what I like.

Anyways Cheers all, hope you had a good holiday season.


It would be nice if blizzard increased all drop rate by 5% or more.


Blizzard: “The drop rate on all legacy items has been increased 5%”

Today: 1%
Increase: 1.05%



And that’s why I’d rather a token protection system. I’m kinda done with the RNG and minimal gains ballet that we have danced one too many times. I’d rather do something 100 times and know I’ll get it vs 100 times and not.


Nah, we in decent shape. Just delete the 5k pvp pet battle achievement and timeless isle crab.

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Yeah, most of these restrictions are outdated, manipulative, or both. Same thing with fomo.

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Please stop incorrectly using this.

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1% drops outside of raids need to go. Same with spawn timers longer than 5 minutes.


It shouldn’t matter, I’m fairly certain Blizz said that the “covenant story” is over with in 9.2, I could be wrong, maybe I’m misremembering. If covenants are done that doesn’t mean anima is done however but they could do something like what they did to pet charms → polished pet charms. We could have “Weak Anima” that is used for covenant stuff and drops at an increased rate and “Anima” that is used in 9.2 that drops at current rate. I actually don’t know if anima is used in 9.2 so that may be unnecessary.

Agree, I’ve been saying that Blizz should give legacy content the Shadowlands Heroic treatment.

I agree but define collectibles. If you are a transmog collector then all gear is a collectible.

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What’s the incorrect usage? FOMO is trash and Blizz does it each xpac with that stupid AotC quest mount.


I would say I’m more looking for the hard to get stuff. The mounts, hell even the current rare drop pets whose stupidly low drop rate have created one of those niche markets Blizzard seems so apt to create. Transmog items are collectables, but, at least for me, their acquisition are only hampered by lock out gating.

From the info coming from the ptr, it’s all new currency and I’ve seen nothing that suggests anima is still used. And you are correct, making things less oppressive for us shouldn’t matter.

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i know that you are sincere on ur request and all, but we can’t avoid another major problem that would occur.

  1. the market of the ah.

increasing the drop rate will devalue item sold on the ah for the collectionner( that would be great for the buyer but bad for the seller)

the market will increase in prize that not relate to collecting thing because by allowing to farm multiple the same raid the gold you will be able to make via that route will increase the number of bot.

  1. the server.

has whole the server will be over the top with all those gold generated and instance created that will fragilize the server has a whole.

  1. increasing the drop rate from those old zone and instance will not help the server problem but you will too have less content to do.

i know what u say are sincere but theirs always another face of the coins.

We don’t get any bad luck mechanic, there’s drops like love rocket with players looking for it for over 10 years, same for MoP world bosses mounts and at least those appears on the BMAH.

Actually every expansion we receive a slap in the face from Blizzard because they move the minimum level for the epic box that contains the love rocket since 7.3.5, first limit was for characters 98-110, then BFA changed it to 110+ and now Shadowlands its only for characters 50 (120 on previous scale), it’s the worse farm possible due to drop rate and they keep moving the minimum level.


I know what you’re referring to. In some interview they said 9.2 will be the conclusion to the game.

If you’re not willing to put the effort into something that you desire, then you really don’t want it, just saying.

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Are those the two things you’re missing lol? I’ve never seen someone’s achievement tab look like yours. It’s a thing of beauty honesty

Yeah. 5,000 PvP pet battle wins is just actual insanity.
The crab is also quite possibly the worst NPC in the entire game.

LOL that’s actually nuts. At this point you gotta go for it though

There’s a difference between effort and having a chance, a lot of things right now in WoW required an army of alts just to have a chance, the game around cosmetics its imposible for a player with 1-2 characters.

It’s more problable that a player with 50 characters to get some 1% drop cosmetics that other with 1 character, each example is different, if we take Deathcharger reins, that can be farm by any player with 1 character and just reset instance, good.

But if you talk about world boss mounts, that player only has 52 +bonus roll opportunities per year compared to a player that has 50 characters or multiple accounts.

I would like a scenario on which you could spam the love rocket dungeon without limit with a single character just like when that event was launch, however the really bad % force collectors into army of alts, besides that the fight is easy, there’s not effort at all.

A player could pay 49 boost and do the same.

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Yep. Have like 290 points from current raids, so probably going to raid next tier then power through all the nathria/sanctum stuff, after that it’s off to finish the super obscure stuff like the crab.

Yeah, I think some stuff is unreasonably rare. Example being the mop world boss mounts, and the pink rocket.
I have the pink rocket, and the oondaster mount, and wouldn’t mind the drop rates on either being increased because I can’t imagine a normal person hoping to get either of them