Can Collectors Get Some <3

Or, you’re just an unlucky person.

Well that’s true because i can’t do anything about a 0.03 drop%, just creating more attempts (characters) to pull the sloot machine.

As you mentioned, unlucky like a casino, but this should be a game that rewards effort like the MT mount that was a really good implementation, the game can have RNG but there should be a etic line about how much is too many RNG and the actual Devs know that, how i know that? Because they changed as part of 9.1.5 the mechadone meta achievement from BFA, an achievement with some drops below 1%, also because they changed the mount from the last anniversary event from a low drop % to 100%.


God, I can see the outrage/crying now…


So you’d be fine with Blizz putting the drop rate on all items to 0.000000000000000001%?

If you’re not willing to put in the effort you don’t really want it :slight_smile:

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Personally would like to see a legacy token system put into place that works as a badluck protection for armor/mounts/pets.


There’s a lot of people like that, i got all World bosses mounts and if they change that i’ll be happy for players and my rage will be with Blizzard that takes years to make those changes, just like mechadone achievement, i did it before 9.1.5 so it took me longer, but now i don’t care if others can get it easier.


I would link a bunch of tweets criticizing this mentality, but they contain profanity.

I’ve put as much effort into collecting as most people here and i think mostly things are fine, 1% drops are fine because i have always managed to get my drop within 100-300 runs, there were a few that dropped super early and one that took 450 but generally speaking it was ok.

Weekly lockouts are good, i like doing my 1 attempt per week, it gives me something to look forward to after reset, i like doing my runs like that instead of smashing it non stop for days and days.

Some things that need to change though would be stuff like Soundless, making random spawn points is a pain in the butt and nobody likes it, they also become nearly impossible to farm when the content is old because nobody likes waiting for others to get there. I’d also make holiday bosses have their mounts drop at 5% or something, also anything under 1% is just cruel (sha, love rocket).

Anything is better than what we have now. Dragonsoul is sucking my soul because I still need 2 mounts from there, and don’t get me started on those damn pandaland world boss mounts.


Agreed. Something to pad the badluck of the player is a win in my book. They could tie the currency to its respective expansion it’s earned in. Just anything vs. plain RNG.


That’s being overly dramatic, just saying, but you do you.

My problem with this is that Blizzard rarely gives without taking something away, if they’re giving with one hand, they’re taking with the other. If you turn mount farming into some kind of token grind with a predetermined time period between when you start and when you finally get your reward, you can be damned sure that the chances of you getting lucky and getting it early will be significantly reduced (if not wiped out completely).

I personally enjoy that weekly roll of the dice, sometimes it comes quick, sometimes it feels like it takes forever but that’s just the collecting game :blush:

I still have currencies from the last and previous pre-launch expansions…

One man’s collector is another man’s TLC show for Hoarders


Idk, once someone has put 100-200 attempts on obtaining a mount, I doubt it’s fun any longer and just adds frustrations.


I actually got Mim’s Head and Invincible on the exact same day after something like 300 and 400 attempts, it was probably one of my most memorable experiences in the game that has really stuck with me through the years lol

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Ah precisely! My post was ridiculous, but that was the point :wink: There is a line where something is “too much” where that line is varies from person to person. Some people believe we are past that line and drops should be buffed, that’s all.

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that depends on the respawn/lock out, doing 100 times for example the world boss from last anniversary with a single character is like 6-8 years, i did that one 70+ attempts before the hotfix, there could be a player farming it for years without luck.

Sure, there’s both side, only that it depends if it’s fun and there’s a good % for that, so it’ll take years or no for a single character, like the MoP world bosses, those are not fun because with 1 hit they’re dead and you only have 52 attempts per year.

I like to think from a player with 1 character to players with 50, because WoW was designed around 1-2 charactes but over the expansions the playerbase changed to an alt mentallity that’s not shared by Blizzard with some alt mechanics being added late.

True true true, Soundless i got it during BFA thank GOD, it’s the diabolical spawn between Time lost mechanic and a low % rare.

True, you got my point about some of the worst drops, love rocket is about a holiday, other games always bring new rewards during those times, WoW doesn’t update those event properly and the only good reward is a sloot machine.

God speed dude

I’ve always said they really go the dated route of small small %'s on drops and even more so on old loot stuff. Anima however felt like their intern putting in numbers that seemed big lol ~ I agree with most your points OP.

I do think the title of thread if kinda funny seeing how SL is like 90% tailored to collectors :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Those sound reasonable to me! How bout it blizurd?