I’d imagine if we see any new Death Knights, it’ll either be a “they were always there” kind of deal (in the case of races that have been around, like Ogres), or they’ll create a new subplot where some group manages to raise their own group of powerful undead that aren’t really Death Knights but are mechanically identical to them, and considered DKs for gameplay purposes. (similar to how Tauren Sunwalkers aren’t really Paladins, but that’s how their players are treated in-game)
I always liked those versions of DKs, wish they’d bring em back.
Plus, I would never do that to Tirion. He spared my life at Light’s Hope, giving me another chance, then he saved my life when we battled the Lich King. Why would I turn him into the very thing he hated and fought against?
The DK story was so dumb in certain parts.
Bolvar is at best a death knight now.
but think how op Tirion would be as a horsemen
think of Sir Zeliek but more op lol
Well to be fair Death Knights as most know them are the second product of the first attempt.
Legion Death Knight process is absolutely horrible. At least as Arthas’ DKs you retain who you were in your dead body.
Sir Zeliek hated what he was and whined non-stop. If he wasn’t being controlled by a necro, I’m pretty sure he would have killed himself.
I can’t imagine Tirion as undead
Gorefiend was definitely a character.
Technically they wiped the floor with the rear guard that were there, they got their butt kicked by the literal manifestation of the cosmic force of Light itself
OK, so Can Bolvar craft? And did he take tailoring?? Seems like an off match to a DK. For all we know, he can and is! Unfortunately he’s probably still trying to grind it out. I’m not positive, but I could swear I saw a post from Bolvar griping about how it was a gold sink.
If the PC was there with Ashbringer, it would have been over before it started
ROFL you guys are not remembering what happened.
DKs cut through the Paladins ranks, including two leaders of paladin orders, like butter.
The only thing that stopped us was the Light itself and the only thing it did was stop us from bringing Tirion back from the dead and make whatshisface a crispy critter.
The paladin order could not and did not stop us.
Personally, if I was a Paladin, I would be pretty pissed at the Light. I’m starting to see why Blood Knights did what they did. So the Light stepped in to save a corpse but let us obliterate your people? That’s some screwed up priorities.
Edit: sorry I misread your post. I just repeated what you said.
Unlikely, it would probably be a stalemate unless the Light got involved since PCs are considered to be of equal power to each other
Narratively, it would be more likely for a player paladin to get “ENOUGH’d” somehow and very narrowly lose, only for the Deathlord to get thwarted by the manifestation of the Light
The Ashbringer blade easily cut Frostmourne in two, the DK weapons wouldn’t stand a chance.
Yeah, while actively empowered by the Light from Tirion’s “one final blessing”
Look I know you want to big your main up, but player characters are evenly matched in lore, any battle between two will be a draw because the devs can’t have one player class canonically being superior to the others, and at the moment you’re acting like a four year old saying “nuh uh! My light sword can beat your dark one because it’s super powerful!”
Alright this seems to have crossed into anime territory.
The blessing just released Tirion from the ice block and revived him, it didn’t make the blade any stronger than it already was.
Where/When has that ever been stated?
The Ashbringer sword was one of the strongest weapons on Azeroth and it’s ability to destroy the undead was unparalleled. Given that the DK weapons likely aren’t as powerful as Frostmourne, and the Ashbringer cleaved that in twain like evil paper, it’s pretty clear that the DKs would have had a rough time. Even the Lich King fled instead of fighting against the Ashbringer on holy ground, you think some DK would of faired better?
Considering we didn’t need it to create newer race DK’s i’m pretty sure we can rule out that its a necessary component to make them, the first ‘DK’ was Gorefiend and he was just a orc soul they threw in a human paladins body so there has to be some wiggle room I guess.
Nobody has put enough points into Blacksmithing yet to make a new hat, so Bolvar is just waiting.
So far a Death Knight is a conscience raised through Necromancy rather than a Plague, whom inhabits a mortal body, and is proficient in the use of Rune Blades.
That’s it.
If there’s a single Necromancer and the knowledge to wield a Rune Blade exists, that’s all it takes.