Can Blizzard RID us of TWINKS?

Exile’s Reach PVP Battleground would work wonders imo. Separate.
Allow the regular brackets to operate like End game. 10-70+ same flow.


I highly disagree, new people joining the game aren’t going to stop xp gains, and spend 15k gold on gear. (to new players, that seems like a lot) They just want to gear in pvp which SHOULD be fun. i understand there is more ways to level, but Just because there are different ways to level, shouldn’t mean twinks can get the go ahead and ruin the experience for bg leveling.

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Mats are cheap (or free) Enchants/Gems are at the lowest historically they have ever been with the new universal AH revamp. Crafted gear is extremely viable, not to mention a decade+ of vendors. This is without any drops/quests obtained etc.

Do some Dungeons and Battlegrounds and inspect players, 90%? refuse to make use of these advantages. Which imo puts pressure on those who do. Heirlooms are permanent and can be mailed x faction/realm too.
Ideally being carried by players who put minimal effort into Characters for the love of experience.
Check it out and you will be surprised.
At the end of the day this is an MMO, we have to somewhat grind to succeed right?

you cant gear via pvp while leveling.

you can! If you win lmao, that’s the hard part. Strongboxes give gear.

This is just one example, but for the level 50 bg bracket, farming a rank 15 legendary cloak or the bfa neck piece isn’t exactly user friendly lol. I’m not aware of crafting gear being better then BOA’s though, That’s my bad

gear thats 3 levels lower than your toons average if it’s green. if it procs an upgrade to blue its the same ilvl as a boa. you only get one piece,maybe, so how is that method of gearing going to keep your toon viable? its not. it’s why players have 7k hp at level 50.

50, was like that yes. 51-59 was another gap, basically best options start at 56,57 for Greens which were flooded on the ah. 40-48 also had this gear gap Shadowlands fingerprint, 48-49 had Covenants and better options for Gear item levels.
By design.

Seems like players who dont gear themselves well enough to take a beating is gimping the whole team.
Player vs Player… Kill or be killed.

only for a few lvls, relic of the past crafted gear for the 10-19 bracket is ilvl 19 starting at 14 but stays ilvl 19.

xpoff <3 <3

Didn’t make it into the ilvl upgrade update. Crafted stuff is pretty much powerless/useless right now, just like scrolls etc.
Looks like Sub 30 Chromie Time dungeons are still not dropping loot which scales to our levels either. 30+ required. Surely it was brought up since beta access+
Hopefully we see some adjustments around these.

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classic/tbc/wod/mop ar enot dropping lvl appropriate gear.

Everything people said about why it is unfair went

SWOOSH over your head, look I see the point going over your head again!

And then you ruin it for all the new players who come in to try PvP at the lower brackets. Got twinks in Classic who have 100k+ HKs and that is only done on a single toon.


i agree i have like 5 vet 20 twinks and like 5 f2p twinks, i liked twinking because i got to lvl up a toon and not have to gear him up every expanion or season. Plus at max lvl you have op specs and the rest are straight garbage.

If i twink at lvl 20 i can enjoy the game and every spec i want to play will be decent. Yes i will have to deal with hunters and druids and priest.

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Fixed, and I can confirm Classic+ gear/off pcs do Socket/Tertiary.
Have not obtained weapon with socket yet, but tertiary has been found.


He is in the guild. That is association. When something has enough negative stigma behind it, whether a group, an individual, or even a subculture, you see people with sense dispersing in every direction. shrug, he is in the guild, and if you mean to tell me birds of a feather don’t flock together, good luck.

Lol? I have had to regear my 20s every patch recently.

Yeah already regearing several of my twinks. I am looking forward to it i actually like the gearing process.

I dont think weapons can drop sockets

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Yeah that is the typical response.