Have you ever been in a BG where a single player gets 50 kills and more damage by himself than the whole other faction ? Ever been farmed by 2-3 twinks and the rest of the mob in your graveyard for a whole BG ? This kills the fun for all players and makes a sinister farce out of BGs. The game is very good, BG’s could be awesome. It’s all there. Why let it get ruined and trashed by twinks. Let twinks fight twinks. If they want to spend their lives at level 19, 29, 39, 49 … even 59 … it’s their business. But why let them spoil the fun of doing real BG’s for the rest of the players. I know those twinks will get hysterical and triggered reading this, come up with the same antiquated arguments like if you don’t like it don’t do BG’s anymore or twink yourself ! Or quit WOW all together ! Sounds familiar ? If you don’t agree with their need to systematically destroy leveling players simply because they are 1) higher level than you 2) use BIS gear they spent time and money gathering only so they can again destroy normal players leveling while enjoying BG’s, they will want to CANCEL you. Nobody wants twinks. Just say it.
- the brackets are separated into levels of 10 because it works. 5 level brackets were tried but here we are.
2.buying greens off the auction house and /or farming gear is called playing the game and everyone has the same opportunity to do both.
Yes, hunter twinks in the 19/29 brackets run around 1 shoting everything, very annoying.
Luckily all my alts are 60+ now.
Everyone is a Twink in World of Warcraft. The whole point of the game is to improve your gear (Twink) your character and that’s what you do when you hit max level. You Min/Max because this is a gear progression game (RPG)
Twinking is what has helped PvP flourish in this game for a long time and the recent expansions effort to hurt it has only killed PvP in immeasurable ways. If you want awesome PvP then embrace Twinking and unify brackets so PvP can flourish.
sounds like you answered your own rant here. Maybe if you get upset doing 19 twinking bgs, then try another bracket that would be more fun for you?
they cant this has been a problem for years now and they keep ignoring it
An mmo that rewards time, currency and effort! no way! fix it!
im not so sure. blizzard does fix things that are a problem. enti’s blade, azerite traits in bgs at 110 and sl covenant reputation gear all were fixed once it became obvious how broken each was.
maybe its not a problem.
If you really think about it, the problem you’re describing isn’t just for people leveling.
It’s a problem that has always existed, even in end game pvp. If someone has invested more time into their character and you’re a new 60, you’re basically a free kill.
Hopefully DF solves some of this at end game but I have my doubts that leveling will be touched.
Blizzard’s refusal to balance low-level hunters is a way bigger problem than twinking ever was.
There is no one more blind than he who does not wish to see. No one so deaf as he who will not hear.
and there will always be people who do the bare minimum but expect the same results as those who put in more effort.
gear your leveling alts or stick to content that’s predictable and easy(pve).
LFM War Games
Yup, no gentleman’s rules here, just the rules blizz allows, and it allows everyone the same access to buying gear from the AH at almost any level.
I understand where you are coming from as one levels a class/spec a person tries to get familiar with abilities and the context of situations in pvp to become more adept and yes it literally is impossible to do so with twinks in low level BGs. It can be challenging to say the least.
Like most games it is an escape from day to day RL where one can become something else but WOW has become much like the real world itself and is no longer much of an escape from dailies( work) min/maxing your toon like a race car and avoiding the social no no’s of an ideology that a company supports.
For many, this has driven away a lot of gamers who are simply trying to escape and have a good time. I think (opinion here) that many do not mind working for a reward that is worth their while on a personal level.
I am not for or against you or the the people who are in disagreement with you just being objective.
My advice is to find a niche in the game (much like life) that you can find enjoyment from. Myself I just take the beatings and move on with twinks and try to work my mechanics, setups to create some familairity. Yes, I know that this will do nothing due to the BIS gear but that isn’t my goal (familairity is).
Your quote is sound but this game is a microsm more than we one can admit at times (shrug).
I think to get rid of twinks just take away the X-off button. No matter what you are getting experience if you play bgs. I thinks it’s so cool to play with friends that’s what this is all about but to create a loophole where people can max out on gear and chants and every available advantage on meta classes and just stack bodies in bgs I can’t see why blizz would do that. By all means round up your buddies que up but eventually you are gonna ding and move up to the next level
Bracket and eventually level cap out
I gotta say this about twinks: not good enough to do rated content at level cap. I did this back in wrath and cata on a 39 priest and absolutely destroyed people
because arena content was to hard for me at the time
288 ilvl means you’re not doing rated anything at a high skill level. looks like barely 50% win rate is that all it takes to be good?
you’re losing to players in bis gear at 60 too.
You can rid yourself of twinks by just leveling up.
Speak for yourself. I have 7 twinks and do just fine at max level.
Lawl I reached 2100 in sl. I fell Ill last part of xpac and I’m well aware that 1600 is beginner rated. I’m also well aware that 2100 is where real pvp begins. I never said I was a good rated player I just said I was good enough to do it.