Can artifact weapons be used to transmog over any other type?

Like let’s take the demonology warlock’s Skull. It seems to be an offhand :confused:
Problem is I see warlocks all using staffs… probably since it’s just their best in slot.

I really can’t transmog this skull onto the staff can I? I know this sounds dumb but I saw that weapon and my jaw dropped lol.

In FFXIV I love the glamor of similar style weapons, “relic weapons”. But with the diverse weapon selection in WoW it seems I might not be able to use them. Hence the stupid question.

No, you can’t. artifacts still follow the same transmog rules as anything else.



And I take it best in slot for demo is rarely the primary/offhand and is almost always the staff right?

This is so painful because that has got to be one of my fave weapon designs I’ve ever seen in any game EVER. That thing is so out there and unique I want to always use it. It’s incredible.


if they keep the artifact specific system, which I believe they are, then you can get an artifact transmog that overrides any weapon type

an example would be the staff I have on my resto shaman, which I can transmog to a mace/shield from legion, but as of now you have to take the whole package of the mace/shield

I’ve literally tried it. I can’t even transmog my demo artifact if I have the wrong main hand weapon.

I believe they’re reducing the transmog restrictions in SL. But I’ve seen nothing that makes me think they won’t still follow the same rules as every other weapon. it’s just the overall restrictions are being loosened.

check armory

I believe they change in shadowlands.

looking on ptr rn, they’re available in multiple forms

for example doomhammer variations are available under 1h maces, and also under the special legion artifacts tab

the one in the artifacts tab is the one that overrides any weapon type

I don’t think they’re removing these

Oh I see… okay so the PTR will literally allow any relic to be put onto anything else?!

This is good news… although I admit I am terrified that people had to endure not being able to do this for SO long o_o

so there is a limitation

I believe the demonology artifact is a dagger and a skull, so transmog it over anything you would also have to take the dagger transmog

if you wanted to mix and match with other main hand weapons, I think you’ll need 2 separate weapons

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I seriously hope many things can be transmoged as warglaives.

It’s like they forgot that weapon type exists in BFA!

My Demon Hunter alt looks so dumb with ONE warglaive and an axe!

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I believe that the system might be changed. I’m not too sure about artifacts.

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Wrong. They ARE keeping that, BUT you must be the same spec(demonology) which will force both main hand and off hand to that design. In order to use the skull of m’aari or w/e in affliction or destro, you must be using a off-hand.

Yes its on PTR actually. You can transmog 2 different artifact warglaives because axe/sword=1 hand like WGs.

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So I believe that if I can transmog my staff to fire mage’s artifact dagger? Wait I’m confused…

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No, a staff is a 2-handed weapon. Fire mage’s sword is a 1 handed weapon. 1 handed artifacts = 1 handed weapon equipped to transmog. Same rules as we have now.


I believe I can fly!
Sorry just too many…


That’s sad.

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Wait I have seen some cat druids transmog their staves into Fangs Of Ashmane. So I guess you can. I think spec also matters.

I just need proof…

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Artifacts are in two separate places now. In the normal transmogrification section, they follow normal transmog rules. In the artifact tab that we’ve had for years, they can be transmogged over different weapon types as long as you’re in that special for that weapon.

They kept both on purpose for more choices.


You can do that now, but you are restricted to spec. A Feral Druid can transmog their Fangs over any weapon. But if they go Guardian they can no longer do that, but can with their Claws of Ursoc.

When you are in the transmog tab open the menu for weapon type and there should be a tab just for your artifact appearances for what ever spec you are in.