Can anyone help me find my toons havent logged in for years

I really need some help I have a ticket open but the GM’s haven’t given me the info I need.

I havent played retail in 8-9 years and I recently logged in and cant find any of my toons.
My main was a human Paladin named Samoastunna or Samoanstunna i had 10 toons on the stormscale server and Ive tried everything online to get them back. I know i never deleted anything so im not sure what happened to all my toons,gear,heirlooms etc etc. Please anyone help me get my stuff back so i can actually play the gametime I recently bought. I bought time on both European and American Stormscale servers just to make sure and the toons arent on any of them. Please Help this Oldschool Noob

Ok lets do this step by step.

  1. make sure ur logged into the right account alot of people forget they had a 2nd account.

  2. Creat a lvl 1 toon on stormscale should refresh the realm also there was a lvl squish so there lvls will be decreased.

  3. Make sure u logged on retail not classic.


Ive tried the refresh stuff with this current too . How would I know if I have a 2nd wow account it only shows WoW1

There would be a dropdown above the play button for such.


Yeah it only shows WoW1 i even went and bought a 1 month sub just to check on Stormscale Eu as well as the American one still cant find any of my stuff.

Technicaly u didnt need a subscription u can play any too up till 20 without a subscription.


I wasn’t sure if my old toons would show up without a 1 month sub. I dont think i ever had any other emails for wow accounts as every game uve bought is all on the same account. And this same account still had my original keyfob authenticator connected to it

Well at this point u will have to wait till mornign as the blues have gone home for the nite.

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Sounds good I appreciste everyone responding. I still have an open ticket with the GM’s asking if they can tell me exactly where my toons are so I will wait and see how it goes much appreciation

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My money is ull probably hear hear first good news is u can ask for a refund on the subscription but it has to be done asap.

I will go ask for a tefund now for it thank you for telling me I didnt realize I could grt my monry back for the Euro subscription i dont need.

So Refunds are always denied the first time u can ask it to be looked at a 2nd time

Refunds are not always denied on the first time otherwise they would have no need for the self help refund option :exploding_head:.

But yes put in for a refund. If you don’t see it in the automated section, open up a ticket and they will check if you meet the criteria for a refund.


I just put in a request for a refund and it was approved for the Euro server gametime as well as a name change for $7 I must have done that trying to find my toons. As I have tried everything online to find them without any resolve.


TBF most of the time ive seen people say it was declined glad this wasnt one of them.

I appreciate the help on this hopefully I can get it resolved soon thankz

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Honestly its a one way street best bet is to form a group for ask in chat.

I do have a quick question the toon in using now the lvl 22 is on the stormscale server I was on before but i already had 10 different lvl toons on that server would my toons no repopulate because there isnt enough room for all 10 of them because i created this new one on the same realm?

Most of the time the self help refund tool works perfectly. That is why you don’t hear about it. As long as the purchase is:

  • eligible based on the Refund Policy
  • the account does not have any account actions on it
  • the account does not have a history of abusing the refund feature
  • the account does not have a history of chargebacks

Then it goes right through. There are times when it does not for various reasons, but that is what a GM is for. One example I can think of is that someone wanted a Diablo 4 refund but had a WoW account chat suspension so the auto tool declined it. A GM was able to manually approve the refund seeing as the account penalty had nothing to do with the requested refund.

They really really don’t decline refunds the first time. You only hear about the ones that have issues. You don’t hear about all the ones that go through like they are supposed to.


You can now have more than 10 characters on a server :slight_smile: A lot of things have changed with regard to that.