I just caught wind of this recently. Have to say, the video where Sodapopin was saying he was going to let non-streamers join the guild, then called them slurs, that was all I needed to see. Made me play Alliance.
I made a new character on Doomhowl because of Grubby. Started watching his WC3 matches a few months ago and then followed him to Hardcore. I like how he seems to care for his viewers and he seems to be a really nice guy.
I can’t speak for some of the others in that guild but some of the girls are really sweet and fun to play with.
I got my rogue going but man the stress is too much for me. I’m real old now and my ticker just isn’t what it used to be. Lots of anxiety. Have to take a break for a few days before leveling again
Are they still going strong?
Something is all Huff and no Puff. Best to ignore it.
Friendly reminder that streamers are basically ambulance chasers. They dont care about the game, only how much money they can make. Like a parasite, once the host is dead they will move on to their next game.
Streamers are the worst.
Yes. They are preparing to raid but still have the usual guild dramas most guilds have. Only a lot more of it since it is all out in the public and the guild still has several hundreds of streamers participating in it.
Tell me you haven’t ever engaged with a streamer without saying you haven’t ever engaged with a streamer. Ya’ll who have these weird madeup thoughts about other people being parasites because they are part of communities are weird… deeply so.
WHAT? Someone who makes a living entertaining people comes up with something that lets a bunch of other entertainers entertain people as a group? NO WAY! What’s next? People who have an opinion sharing their opinion to get others to agree with their opinions? Crazy. It’s over. Back to the caves!
Have you tried Google
HEY GUYS! Im starting a new guild for us. Lets do the same thing, but for us. My phone number is 281 690 2943 text me if you want in. Streamers mainly but also accepting people who want to start a stream and dont know how to yet. Masterclass, but mainly for a good freaking time! We dont have to be left out. Lets do it better.
According to Xaryu who is in onlyfangs, Fangly is their slave guild. Last year they boosted the goofball know as rav after he died during ony attune. Boosted HC players lol
Fangsly is not involved with Onlyfangs in any way shape or form this time around.
/Fangsly raider