Soda wanted to stick to the old servers due to progression, but the rest of the guild was basically unanimously against that and so they did decide to roll on the new servers.
they did decide to roll on the new servers
lame. Looks like it’s softcore for me after all.
Wish he would raffle off spots for some of us with little or no viewers. You know, help the little guys out
Soda’s a fame chaser. If you were popular you’d be in the guild.
The only way Soda could get so many streamers to play wow was to tempt them with the potential of large viewerships.
No you don’t need large viewerships to be in onlyfangs. Some of the streamers only had 15 viewers.
Tism, that’s it.
That was actually funny.
love seeing all the streamer alts here defending the egos of these people. Its an ego stroking of soda and others at the least and a way to exert power and get money. But people love to simp for them so choose what you like. I for one can’t take the narcissistic attitudes of half of them who feel some rush by feeling “superior”. Toxic people who add little to society, but go off at me because I am so hateful lol
he still is crying that he lost lea and has been insufferable since. No amount of his off putting attitude or money he makes will fill the dark hole that is soda
To clear it up
So glad that someone has time to keep up with what these streamers are up to day to day.
Soda wanted to stick to the old servers due to progression, but the rest of the guild was basically unanimously against that and so they did decide to roll on the new servers.
Awesome reporting out of you. Stand by and let me know if he takes a crap or does anything you find interesting.
Its pretty funny how salty you are over something that doesn’t affect your life at all. Just play the game and ignore them if you don’t want to interact lol. It really is that easy.
decided to look him up on you tube to see what the fuss is. Hard pass and no thank you, made me sick watching and listening after 3 minutes. Same with Xaryu or however you spell it. Garbage
Well, you see… Onlyfangs is a website where you can advertise your skills and people who want to watch you perform your skills have to pay you. Fangsly is a person that uses onlyfangs to advertise their skills and make money.
He is not crying he lost lea, lmao you know nothing he is happy and is with vei now lea was nothing but drama lol back in the day what makes you think he is still sad about lea lmao
Looking to be popular are you llol half their viewers stole their names etc and so on even tried to steal their guild name lol
You stike me as someone who definitely adds little to society lol. Cry more about streamers on wow forums buddy. Youre fighting the good fight
what is this guild even
I’ll tell you a secret. Something they don’t teach you in chat. The Streamers envy us. They envy us because we’re anonymous, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we can be timed out and banned. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
This attitude is whats wrong with the world. No one is forcing you to watch or play on Doomhowl. Let the others who enjoy it have their fun with it. And as far as a publicity stunt, Do u blame them? lol