Can anyone explain what onlyfangs & fangsly are?

Keep hearing about these two things, but I have no clue what they mean…


Streamer guilds.

More specifically, OnlyFangs is Sodapoppin’s Streamer only guild for HC and Classic. He only lets in streamers above a certain viewership and other people of merit within the industry.


and is there something about picking a Troll Race? or Undead?

They’re doing a “Return to HC” kind of event when the HC Fresh servers come out and Sodapoppin’ is creating literal WarCraft racism by locking people into a specific race based on a questionnaire. You achieve certain things in game you gain points for your race that your race can then use to get things like loot priority in raids. Some things give points some things take away points.

The whole point of it is to farm content. Sodapoppin’ no longer sees WoW as a game but as business opportunities. So if you are a streamer, but you’ve only got a few hundred followers/subs, you’re not welcome. He only takes people that can boost his fame/income and vice versa.

That’s not to say he can’t enjoy moments that happen within it, but it’s by and large just a publicity stunt meant to generate views. It’s basically a bunch of streamers pulling a ponzi scheme, except instead of getting direct money they get views.


good thing i’ve got like a million followers.


Expect whatever server they play on to die immediately the moment they all get burnt out. Play on the streamer server and have fun if you want, but have a backup plan for when they all inevitably leave to go play the next streamer trap game that becomes popular.



Interpol and NSA don’t count as followers.


just say no to watching HC streamers :expressionless:


Just degeneracy, best to avoid


this is funny

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you have so much hate in your heart for streamers huh. its okay, buddy


They dont know who you are lil bro lol, you gonna give them that sub money eh


It’s not untrue. He’s even said so himself that this entire HC event they have planned is basically one big circle jerk of popular streamers to get more popular.


No way, streamers are talented gamers…

If you call being gifted items, gold, and levels talented.


IOW, it’s a guild for elitist jerks … gotcha!

Who watches such egotists I wonder? Sad.


I watch clips but I don’t bother watching the streams themselves.

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couldnt imagine spending time watching these streamers , lol , I’ve tried and no thanks


To clear it up
Sodapoppin ran a guild < Onlyfangs > a couple months after the release of HC servers( it started early Oct '23). It was a guild for mostly streamers to build hype for WoW HC and to see if they could complete some raids in hardcore with a bunch of streamers, some of whom had never played wow before, and they managed to clear MC and Ony I believe.

Since Soda knew it would be tough to keep a lot of streamers on one game for long he set some pretty ridiculous timeframes for them to level in. And that is where all the shenanigans started. A large number of guild members openly bought gold to buy BoE epics, enchants and consumables to level faster. And a guild made up of viewers < Fangsly > was made to help power level people who had died with mob tagging and other methods.

Because of the gold buying and power leveling shenanigans they got a lot of flak that they cheated and didn’t play actual hardcore etc.

So with the release of a fresh HC server Soda decided to do < Onlyfangs > 2.0, running horde this time, and to get rid of the allegations for cheating is giving more time for people to level, and is implementing some new rules for the guild.

  1. Guild Self Found - Guildmembers are only allowed to trade with other guild members and no AH.
  2. No mob tagging/power leveling

To add flavor/content and keep viewers/streamers interested longer, he is also implementing an intraguild competition where each person in the guild will be assigned to a particular race, and each race will be a team that will compete for points each week. (leveling, completing challenges, etc gain points for your team, you lose points for your team if you die)

< Fangsly > will make a return as well, but wont really be doing as much this time. They can donate items to possibly go into a curated reward chest of items for the winning team each week but that is about it.

< Onlyfangs > is a streamer guild to build hype for Hardcore( It wont be all big streamers, there will be some smaller ones as well as some good friends and significant others in the guild as well)
< Fangsly > is a guild for viewers who want to participate alongside them


They’re not playing on the fresh servers. They’re sticking to DP from my understanding because they’re not going to wait for a whole year for the content to be fully released.

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