Can a tauren breed with a gnome?

Careful, they are deathly allergic to tartar sauce.


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Male gnome and Tauren female. Bulls deep


Key word here is “limbs”

Just for you:

The Emperor Protects. :smiley:

Would the gnome be the one exploding?

The mists should never have been lifted.


it’ll break gnome first

NB4 the 404 because threads like this never end well. … eek.


We are talking about Gnomes sothe solution would be engineering. Enlarger or shrinker depending on the situation.

Can’t be a horned giant gnome?

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You would have to wrap the gnome in duct tape first or she would explode.

I suppose a world enlarger would do the trick.

You ever wonder why female gnomes are always so chipper? I mean, think about it… Even the evil ones are always happy. Let’s just say the guys are packin. Any female tauren would be in for the ride of her life!

Once you go gnome, you won’t walk home! (Mainly because they’ve likely chained you up in their dungeon)


There were no survivors.


Male Gnome with female Tauren? That would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Male gnome + female tauren: gnomes do, in fact, have a vibrate setting.

Female gnome + Male tauren: gnomish space program.

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Oh. it’d break something.

Shh, if the gnomes could make a rickety rocket chicken explode, it’s only a matter of time before the Furry physics Olympics happen!:expressionless::neutral_face: