Can a level up be reverted?

Hi, a friend leveled up by mistake after removing the xp cap to do a BG, can be reverted?

I wanna say no, at least that is what I last heard.

They can put in a ticket to ask, but there’s no guarantee. If I recall (and I could be wrong here), there was a thread a long while back where one of the blues mentioned that it’s possible (in retail at least) but depends on the situation.

Edit: Double edit…as Vrak says they can’t :wink:

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Well, it’s retail.

No, I’m afraid not, Ryzzt. Removing experience was never intended so it can be a complicated process. Generally speaking, the only time we are usually able to help is if a level up happened during an account compromise or due to a known bug.



Oh, too bad. He will need to level a new character to 110 again and gear up I guess. Thanks.

I thot thats been changed I swear i saw you guys posting that Gms are able to de lvl now its not as developer necessary as it used to be.

Yes and no. It isn’t simply because someone asked for it, there are conditions. Such as if the account was compromised and as a result one or more characters were leveled, or the leveling was the result of a bug or unintended consequence (one example would be when an expansion goes live and the level cap is raised, some characters may level simply by logging in due to exploration experience or other sources).

Purposely removing the XP Off condition and participating in activities that earn experience, like a BG, doesn’t generally qualify.


Ok never hurts to ask questions Leaves out a fresh bale of hay.


You were thinking the same thing I was Darth when I replied. I had to edit my reply too for clarity as I had linked something that supported that thought. However, with Vrak’s reply I removed it since he provided some additional clarity on the subject :wink:


I think folks are referring to that time a GM logged onto someone’s toon and leveled it by mistake. So the devs had to basically remake the toon for the person.

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In this instance I wasn’t thinking of that one. That scenario, if I’m recalling the right one, took a few weeks for a specialist to fix. The one that I was thinking of was a little different. It was a reference to GMs having newer tools to let them help out. But the specifics of ‘when’ they could use such tools wasn’t specific in that thread which is why I edited it out of my original reply to this thread :wink:


We were all a little right.

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No, there was a thread in the last week or so.

This involved a possible bug, where the player’s subscription ran out a few minutes before they leveled to 21. It’s expected that the game would disconnect a player when their time ran out, but being on a level 20 (and thus, able to play with no subscription), it didn’t happen.

This is still an extremely unorthodox situation, and definitely not on the same level as willingly turning off XP and then doing a BG.