My second account was banned for “abusive/spam/advertising” which none of the above happened. I probably got mass reported by a rival guild.
I appealed the ban and the appeal was denied with an automated GM bot response so I reopened it because it makes no sense.
I would like to know what I was banned for at least so I can make sure I don’t do it again. I have no idea, literally no idea what I could’ve done to warrant a first offense week ban.
It was a first offense on a brand new account and I got banned for an ENTIRE week. How? Why? Not even a warning.
There are plenty of other games out there. I’ve been paying subs to this game forever and it’s not very professional to just ban someone without giving an actual reason or logs of what was said.
The way I see it is I’ve been victimized and bullied by a rival guild and lost a week of game play and 100K+ honor (10+ Hours of play) because I wasn’t at cap.
How is getting mass reported for nothing fair? How is not getting a legit response for why I was banned fair? PLEASE…
Thanks for the response - as for mass reporting it definitely has happened and is happening still. Bot conglomerates mass report people who gank their bots, people were mass reporting others who weren’t purposely losing in SoD BGs, etc. It’s definitely happened.
If you received anything more than a 24-hour squelch (such as a silence or suspension), then you were handed a punishment by a game master.
Blizzard are very good at picking up motive and connection/behavior between multiple accounts. If it was an egregious offense or was done with intent to circumvent the penalty ladder, they’ll skip right to the next penalty that your main account would have received, or worse.
And the vast majority of them are stricter with their enforcement, just a heads up.
It isn’t. But again… you weren’t.
This, however, is genuine. The system that included those snippets started to go a bit wonky some time back, and instead of letting it continue to present incorrect reported content, they removed it. It is unknown when or if it will return.
In one of your tickets you need to be succinct, not verbose. Just specify that you were not given insight into what caused your sanction, or you could wait until an SFA has time and desire to pop in later on.
The reality is despite what u may have heard from bad actors mass reports wont get u actioned if u did nothing wrong the fact that u got a suspension says other wise.
And there we go masked language is still reportable and acctionable profanity or other wise if you cant say anythign nice without swearing then yell it out loud dont type it scream it at ur monitor.
Must like a cop wearing a bullet proof vest, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to shoot at them. Making excuses about your actions won’t make them within the rules.
It doesn’t have to be aim at someone to be against the rules - said rules says you can’t curse at all. No loopholes, excuses or side notes that allow it.
“Wild”, in my opinion, is choosing not to follow the rules that you agreed to follow. Most people have no problem at all playing a game and not using profanity with strangers.
You know uve never been allowed to swear openly in chat since day 1 right and it was actionable then and still is. Its not about being soft its about playing nice.
People who can follow simple rules are “soft”? Or the people complaining that they can’t follow the rules and got themselves into trouble because they can’t live without typing out inappropriate language?