Can a cs tell me

Short of my blunders with language in game over the last year of which ive learned my lesson on is my account in relative good standing in regard to the penalty volcano?

I know Vrak is typing, so I hope I’m not stepping on hooves here…

But your last penalty tells you where you are at on the volcano. Generally the next suspension will double in length. As for “in good standing”, if you are not currently on suspension, you are in “good standing”. Blizzard does not treat you differently just because you’ve had some actions (other than the aforementioned length).

The goal of any account action is to give players a chance to modify their behavior. Although those penalties don’t decay over time, just follow the rules and there will be no issues. :slight_smile:

We don’t really have a “penalty volcano” as it were. Not in the same sense as we did around 2004-2010.

The history of an account is taken into consideration and the penalties themselves don’t exactly fade, but it is not always a 1, 2, 3 progression. You’ve had a couple in the last few years, so additional penalties will likely result in the same or longer duration going forward.


I try to be the best druid i can these days not alawys the easiest and im not perfect but i try thanks vrak


Always stop and think before you say something. If someone makes you mad, Blizzard doesn’t care if you shout at your computer, or even throw things. Just don’t type bad things in chat.


You’re assuming that many players these days are capable of controlling their emotions. That’s awfully generous of you.

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I knew it’s been “gone” (more or less) for a while, but that long ago? Wow.

I don’t remember exactly when we did away with that specific penalty progression, but I think it was around there. The years tend to bleed together… :smiley:


If people have a habit of outbursts in a public setting, they are gonna be ostracized, same goes for in game. People need to learn self control.


If you could be actioned for words you shout at your computer, I would have been permabanned multiple times by now. But it helps me not want to type them in chat. Also easier than typing.


Yell at your screen, takes too much energy to type words and hit enter. Use your energy for your mouse clicks and actually playing the game.


I’ll be the first to admit I talk like a drunken sailor in real life. I mean like, with friends and such, not at work. And my favorite comedian is George Carlin. But I’ve never had my account actioned in WOW. Because I know the appropriate places for that language, and public chat in an online game is not it.