Can’t select a character on forums on tablet or pc

Everytime I log in, I can’t select any characters and it says I need an account or a sub.

I tried resetting everything and still nothing.

EDIT: Sorry, Ekon corrected me. You’re going to have to wait till morning for the Support Forum Agents to get on and investigate for you.

The support topic told me to post

In this case it does appear they do, if this is the article they’re referring to:

That being said, it is very likely the outcome will indeed be to post in the Website Bug Report forum if they are unable to come to a resolution.


Oh ok, didn’t know that. Thanks for linking that.

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It’s possible it could be ISP-related. I’ve already asked the OP of the other thread about it since they’re in my guild, but OP who’s your ISP? Is it Comcast?

Standard troubleshooting recommendation of clearing the browser cache on the affected device.

No, it’s not comcast.

Anything new I log into is just my bnet with no wow account linked to it

It’s kinda wild tbh

I’ve had temporary episodes when I couldn’t choose another posting character because the menu only showed me my Battletag, like on the forums for the other games. (Only WoW allows you to choose a character.)

Other times I’ve been shown the full list of characters but I couldn’t choose one (clicking on one didn’t do anything).

In both cases, logging out and clearing browser cache fixed it for me. But who knows if that would be enough to help anyone else in a similar situation?

I had it happen and some times you just have to wait a day or two.

What an odd thing for it to say, especially since if you can’t select a character to post, how are you supposed to post? O.o

I assume you are using your phone to be able to post?

This has been an ongoing issue for a few months now, which we’re aware of, but there isn’t anything that we can do through this forum about it. Other than bug the folks working on it.

The only advice I have is, you can try logging in and out of the forums to see if that refreshes the account status but until an overall resolution can be implemented it seems to be an issue that comes and goes.

This has been a rather persistent bug that, as I understand it, has to do with some other systems. Once some work with those systems completes, which I understand is a bit of a process, this should stop happening.


Thank you for the reply. Guess I’m stuck using my phone for the forums only

I wish there was a better solution, but I’m glad you at least have that option. This has been a thorn in the side for much longer than any of us would want.


Selecting a forum character seems to be back, was able to just now.

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Good to hear. It does seem to come and go and is rather finicky, so it is unfortunately likely to happen again.