Can’t open multiple clients on mac after prepatch

I used to be able to open multiple wow clients on my mac prior to the Shadowlands prepatch. Since the new patch goes live, only one client can run at a time. New clients would crash and become unresponsive until I quit the first client. I tried to open them using terminal to no avail, same thing would happen. I also tried to update my mac and revert it to pinpoint the problem. It is definitely not an error from the MacOS updates, but from the new patch.

Edit: Someone came up with a temporary workaround that allows more than 2 clients. However, it is still not a definite fix and we still need blizzard to address this issue.


EDITED: taking out the tech info specific to my computer.

I am able to get 2 and only 2 to open. Not 3. Before (as in the night before) I ran all 3 accounts simultaneously.

I have tried using the Battle.Net app to no avail. I have also tired opening via terminal to no avail. Likewise, if I quit one of the 2 running instances, the third will complete and load (leaving me with two running).

I also tested this on a much older mac running the previous OS. Also could launch 2, not 3! So, exactly same response on different machine and different OS.

Hence… Not hardware. Not OS??? Therefore… ???

I have filed a ticket and the dev guy said to post a reply here with my mac specs etc. So…

(Yeah, I named my mac for my WoW main character…)

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro16,1
Processor Name: 8-Core Intel Core i9
Processor Speed: 2.3 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 8
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 16 MB
Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
Memory: 16 GB
Boot ROM Version: 1037. (iBridge: 17.16.16610.0.0,0)
Serial Number (system): DELETED
Activation Lock Status: Enabled

System Software Overview:

System Version: macOS 10.15.6 (19G2021)
Kernel Version: Darwin 19.6.0
Boot Volume: Qadosh
Boot Mode: Normal
Computer Name: DELETED MacBook Qadosh
User Name: DELETED
Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
System Integrity Protection: Enabled
Time since boot: 22:48

I also have the same issue. System & drivers up to date, system exceeds specs for Shadowlands.

Reset the user interface to remove cached variables, addons, etc. Even reset the console. Problem persists.

Has to be something with the clients or bnet, not at my end. While the first client is running, the second one hangs before opening to loading screen & has to be force quit. The instant I close the first client the second one is there, on the first loading screen as if it was loaded all along, and goes to the realm screen, then character screen as expected.

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Very much my experience, though I get two to open and the third hangs.

I don’t box in the stereotypical way, for the record. I play teams of three, most always different classes (e.g. Pally, Priest, and Mage in my “main” group.) I just think it’s fun and challenging. I’m anxious to get back to “normal”!

Same here as far as not doing what most people would consider multiboxing.

I’m an avid RPer. Being able to have more than one of the relatives or friends around at the same time is great. i’ve also done public performances that required a duo. I do occasionally team them up for content, but that’s pretty much only for mog runs on old content or helping the newer characters do some of the dangerous “bug hunt” PvE quests.

I set up the secondary accounts through Recruit A Friend,. I was planning on keeping them active despite the changes, but unless this gets fixed soon i’ll sacrifice the time & money already invested in characters crafted with care and leveled up all the way - no reason to have more than one active account if I can’t do my RP as usual.

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Same here not able to open up two windows after the patch.

In the app, to to Settings > General and make sure that the Allow multiple instances of is checkmarked. That will let you run more than one copy. It must have somehow gotten disabled if you can’t currently run more than one copy of WoW.

Allow multiple instances of is checkmarked.
That was the first place I went to. It’s been checked. Second window will only open after the first has closed down. I submitted a ticket. I would hate to waste the recruit a friend on my other account. Hope it gets fixed.

It’s possible this was done to prevent certain individuals who would ruin the game for others, by having a train of 10 druids multi boxing and hoarding herbs and such. But I do agree/think that 3 should be the limit, not 2.


Try this…

  1. Launch Battle.Net app and get one client running.
  2. With both Battle.Net app and one client running, shut down the computer with “reopen windows on restart” selected.
  3. Restart and Battle.Net and one client will launch.
  4. Use Battle.Net to launch a 2nd client.

This has worked for me 5 to 10 times (I haven’t counted). I can’t get the 3rd to launch this way, but I can consistently get 2 to launch.

I have dual / triple boxed since I was around lvl 17 the first time. I just like the way it “feels” playing them in little teams.

Granted, questing sometimes means one of the members does the bulk of the work, but sometimes I rotate pull-by-pull… The pally does one pull, the mage another.

The only “automation” I use is a keybound “/follow” macro and keybindings to mount up. Looting and turning in quests takes extra time, of course, but I still enjoy the process.

Plus, if you can “hide” your priest on a tough pull and the Pally dies… That rez thing is nice!

It’s sort of lame with the only survivor is the mage, though!

An extreme fix but it worked. Thank you. I submitted a ticket, hopefully it will be resolved.

speculations & commentary by people not experiencing the problem are not helpful.

i guess it’s good that someone who is having a problem found a kludge as a temporary workaround. Doing that in my case would involve moving the monitor out of the way & restarting some additional hardware (eGPU, etc.) as well as the computer. It’s not a solution - it’s more like using a shoestring as a belt til you get back to town. I recognize that Blizzard’s staff is very busy these days. Hopefully we’re not at the bottom of their priority list.


Got a response to my ticket today -

I understand you are having troubles with running multiple instances of WOW on your MAC. This is something dev is aware of and working on. When a fix will be pushed out as it also requires some work from Apple’s end, I do not know. I do recommend dropping game settings, making sure both the OS and the drivers are fully updated. Please continue patiently wait while it is worked on.

The usual boilerplate - Apple’s fault, my fault because I need to update drivers that are already up to date … But at least they’re listening to us & working on it.

I can read the response in an email & ingame. Mildly amusing that the link in the email sends me to an error code, as does clicking on the ticket in the list on my account web page. At least that part they can’t blame on anyone else. :smiley:


Good thing they are aware of the issue amidst all these new bugs. Unfortunately, if the fix requires apple to get involved then it could take awhile for them to release a new update to address whatever bug that is causing this. I paid ahead for my other accounts and this is hindering them completely useless.


I got a similar response. I’m not pleased because:

  1. It worked the night before the patch.
  2. I fails on a wide range of machines (as I am sure we are not all running the same thing.

Thus, something changed between 8.3 and 9.1. If nothing changed on OUR side… That is none of us went out on Tuesday and revamped our set up??? So…

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Thanks for the update on your ticket. I have one ticket in as well, lets see what they come back with. I was able to use @Qadosh work around for now. Let’s hope they fix it soon.

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+1 for multiple clients not working. I used to be able to open 2 accounts or have retail + beta/ptr open together before pre-patch.

I can’t either. I can do 2, but every time I try to do 3 or 4, it just says application not responding. This is so frustrating since windows can just open as many as they want.

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Morning all. Got a response back from Blizzard Support.

Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with us and I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to get back to you any sooner.

Sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing some issues launching multiples of wow on your Mac. I can see that on the forum post that this is something already under investigation. I do not have any updates to share on this sadly hopefully it will be a short lived issue for yourself. Certainly, the work around to be able to play 2 clients at the same time is fairly janky.

Given how this issue is occurring I suspect that a NVRAM reset could bring some relief here but as the post mentions it is still quite possible you may need to use a this work around even after doing this:

So, I reset the NVRAM and got two windows up very easily. Hope this helps everyone else, until there is a real fix.
Be safe. Dem

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