Can’t believe they left mage this way, plz tell me it’s toned down on beta

couple small outliers like assassination,

But mage overall for me takes the cake for disgusting design (DPS).

All 3 specs are too lethal and too immortal and too much control on their own. Just need to queue up with something that can stun and soak damage, doesn’t even matter the damage it has, like outlaw for example and there’s nothing you can do while the arcane does 200k dps the entire time

Plz tell me TWW has pruned or balanced some of this in some way for mage…

Alter only lasting 5 seconds in PvP combat but undispellable

Master of time needs to be nerfed or removed

That’s a good start, what else should go away?

Do I have tww access if I pre ordered wow?

Displacement and Blastwave on same node.


Always amazing me reading through the mage tree and PvP talents and seeing how they are able to get seemingly everything + how many of them increase your move speed or allow you to blink more frequently, just bonkers man.

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What spec do you play?

All the crying. You’re asking for homogenization and destruction of an entire class

oof, as a frost mage player, while I don’t like this, it is a good change.

So are you arguing for mage nerfs or buffs exactly? This is a buff in most scenarios.

Anyone want to bet that the op plays a warrior?

this is a healthy change that lets alter feel like a reliable defensive into purge and lets mage be kill targets for nonpurge

it’s a buff for both mage and warrior, while reducing the amount of influence RNG has on surviving


It’s meant to be sort of like the combustion change where it’s just made more consistent/reliable. Right now unless you have a spam purge mage sometimes just isn’t a kill target without certain damage types (hunter, ele).

Just had the best lobby the other day after I somehow managed to convince my fellow meatheads that it literally isn’t possible to kill a mage in our lineup. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I don’t mind fighting mages :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m really glad someone said this. I’ve seen them reek so much havoc and these were my thoughts exactly.

Man your tone for not understanding the point of this change (that’s been discussed plenty of times before now) is pretty idk, dumb?

I’m definitely getting tired of mages just not being a kill target for melee. It’s absolutely insane how impossible it is to hit mages for melee classes that seemingly have infinite mobility.

Blink > Alter > Displace > Alter Back > Blink > Knock

that’s 5 mobility buttons you can press back to back, two of which break stuns. This isn’t getting in to the frost nova spamming + DB and polys spamming (which is much less of an annoyance as it used to be).

Mage just not being a target for half the specs in the game is so tired. It’s not even a “hard” kill target. It’s absolutely unkillable and it’s time that changed.

The amount of times I see mages use mobility to push in offensively, get swapped to, and STILL cant die is gross and needs to change.

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I understand the point of making alter only last 5 seconds being suggested, and I agree that it would be a good change.

Unnecessary insults aside, the ‘not understanding’ is on you.

The op just didn’t really make complete sense from reading it.

It starts off with an outcry that all 3 mage specs do disgustingly high dps, and subsequently spirals into suggestions that comprise both nerfs and buffs to the class, neither of which has anything to do with the high dps aspect.

I suppose the op did also say “too immortal” as well, but it didn’t seem to be the main point of the post.

Either way, I welcome buffing mage so that alter only lasts 5 seconds in PvP combat but is undispellable. I also agree with the op’s suggestion for gutting Master of Time (the part that resets blink and shimmer), as this does make Alter Time a pretty toxic ability.

Having said that, none of the mage specs are as bad as the op is making them out to be (e.g., as evidenced by there being less mages at 2400+ in 3v3, even when combining all three specs, than assassination rogue, dh, and ret paladin). That type of damage isn’t really sustainable, and isn’t going to happen unless the mage is ignored completely while bursting (imo).

Many other specs do way more oppressive damage AND are a lot tankier (or more immortal lol) to boot, which is why I figured that the op is probably making their post from a warrior pov.

Anyway, thank you for your constructive input to the conversation :slight_smile: [hopefully the tone I’m conveying reaches you this time]

Nerf da mages!!!

That’s because nowadays it is impossible to dispel / purge their shields without using an entire mana bar thanks to a million useless things to remove first

So mages became invincible to anyone not an MM hunter.

At least this is sort of being addressed in TWW where shadow priests will now be able to do a lot of damage to classes with shields. Spells like shadow word death will do the damage necessary, but you have to pick the right hero talents

I agree. Even as a mage player I go oom trying to get things like alter and PI, never getting them, just as often as I do get them.

I’d much prefer just a more reliable, but less powerful version of alter time (when there is no purge).

I seem to queue into nothing but priests, dh, hunters, and shaman, so honestly right now alter feels like it should be a bottom of the barrel balancing priority though (in comparison to many other things).

nah you jus came off like you took offense cus you’re a mage irl i guess

I remember someone on the forums here saying that mediocre mages lose to mediocre melee and that good melee lose to good mages. This struck me as true.

Edit: Was that Kennie who said that? It may have been. It seems true to me whoever said it.

I believe that quote applies to wizards vs. melee cleaves in general