Campaign Quest Locked Behind Raiding

So, you are punishing those who choose to not raid have have them locked out of storied content? How is this a good thing?


But thats blizzard.


Care to expand on this? :dracthyr_tea:

Was the rest of the campaign behind raid requirements? That would be my feelings on it.



I can’t imagine any substantial portion of the playerbase going “Well, I was going to unsub, but I guess I’ll wait another month for LFR to open up.”

If they were that set on it, they could have unsubbed last month, set out a month, and resubbed just to finish the raid.

But we all know that nobody is going to clear LFR and go “that’s it, I’m done” and walk away.

Most people who run LFR are running because they like it and, perhaps also, to get the new Tier set. That ain’t happening in one walk through either save for the most lucky of players.

I think they stage out LFR to encourage the raiders to stick to their layer of content rather than farming it for entry gear before the normal raid. i.e. “Forcing” raiders to run LFR along with normal. That’s the only thing I can think of.

It also gives casuals a better chance to catch up their toons before entering LFR rather than dumping it out all at once.

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Eh…maybe. Although I imagine unless Normal is borderline impossible they only care about balance at the highest levels.

I dunno. Just feel the whole concept of timegating LFR is dated.

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What about the quest market that shows after competing that chapteer, Keeper of the Ossurary - its on the map in game but no idea how to accept it.

This is just blizzard dying on that hill of doubling down on thinking players are wrong with ignoring raiding. Its lockout system straight up makes it trash to care about. The game’s held hostage by systems, moving rewards around or punishing players harder won’t change what I do.

I stopped caring about the gearing/ilvl chase end game gameloop, as it’s just a super unspecial loss of control lockstep timegate. Then you have raiding that’s not really a progressive experience. I want to experiment in PUGs and reclear a boss for learning purposes, but due to the systems this will not ever happen.


Enjoy it in June then unless you want to, you know, put out the effort in the game. Don’t want to? Wait on your reward. :slight_smile: The less participation trophies the better.

Well… why?

So you solo the entire campaign and this raid roadblock is there because…? To get people in LFR?

I just don’t get it either.


Welp, I won’t be completing the campaign I guess.


Yeah, raid is part of the story.

Again - this has been said a million times.

If LFR is supposed to be the “story mode”, then release it with the “story”. The fact that we have to watch the story cinematics on youtube before experiencing them in-game is just bad.


Stop closing out main story threads within a raid.

Not sure how this message hasn’t gotten through - its been the same ask/complaint for several expansions now.


I’m not impacted by this, but it seems like a pretty crummy move.


How? Should they just do away with raids then? Because how do you explain the big bad is able to be beaten by one person while his minions some how took a whole team.

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The simple solution is to remove the gearing from LFR and just make it a solo player experience for story only - this way people can’t complain about LFR gear being available too soon from certain bosses and the players that hate raiding and only want the story can do the story experience.

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I mean, there is functionally zero purpose in LFR as it is now anyway. May as well go all the way to be honest.

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MaU as per the usual :blush:

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We both know that would never fly. The complaints would fly in about gearing being taken away from solo players.