Campaign Quest Locked Behind Raiding

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Just wake up, play WoW because we need those MAUs, and go to sleep.



The weird thing is if they just admitted they want people to stay subbed, I’d oddly respect that more than this nonsense response from the blues


That’s because honesty at least feels better than knowing you are being jerked around.



So? They still get to do it eventually. If they want to do it earlier, pug normal.

So much for the game being inclusive…


Reading posts about the bugginess of the content and the griefing going on, I’m not feeling bad about being left out of this open beta of the patch content.

No one is stopping you from completing the normal raid to see the story as intended and has been part of the games design forever. LFR is a glorified cutscene. Releasing that officially at the same time you release the actual challenge is silly.

Stop time gating lfr. Just release every wing with normal. Its a bad practice


Stop spreading the you need to do the raid in order to continue when you know that narrative is false.

You can wait until the last wing of LFR drops and the last chapter will open up without the need of doing the raid itself.

And plus, their will be a recap of the event from the raid just by doing the campaign once it activates.

False logic. Rated PvP players aren’t casual players. Try again or just stick with Reddit bud.

Its threads like these that make me glad I don’t care about quests.

To be fair, just because something has been done before doesn’t mean it should be done again.

I think sometimes we get caught up on the forums arguing about what was and was not part of the original game design but in the end it doesn’t really matter. Designs change, evolve… sometimes for the better, sometimes not. We can learn from the past, but we don’t automatically have to carry it forward with us.


So for those who don’t raid, they have to wait until mid to late June.

Meanwhile people like me can do the campaign quest as soon as it’s ready.

That’s not great, and it’s not fair.


This is the lower class of players getting taught their lesson for not raiding.

You’re just timegating it to keep the most casual of players subscribed. There’s no other reason. There’s no good reason to delay the release of the other LFR wings. If you don’t want players to do LFR, then remove it from the game already because right now it seems that you just delay the other wings out of spite.


As per usual, Blizzard makes something that has fun gameplay and then ruins it by dictating and controlling how the players engage with it.


No, we don’t automatically have to…however, the obvious decision to stick with the model they have used in the past was continued on. I don’t get why everyone acts like they had their puppy taken away because of it.

It goes back to the old adage: If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

But a good portion of the player base does, in fact, feel like this is something that is broken.

No one is asking for insane rewards or to skip raiding altogether and just magically get tier pieces. No one is asking for rep or for gold. Or for anything, really, except for access to the content that they actually engage with.

It has been proven that giving our opinions, even as casuals or the most unholy and hated of all: the LFR player, actually matters to Bliz in some aspects.

The vast majority of this thread has been people blindly bashing one another based on elitist views. Are Heroic and Mythic raiders technically better players than those who do LFR? Probably. But LFR is for the casual player base. And penalizing the casual player base simply because they are, in fact, casuals accomplishes nothing except upsetting those players and push them away from the content that they actually want to do.

To those who have been complaining that it’s a 100% win in LFR, or you could do it out of order: It is absolutely not a 100% in LFR, as many of you have even admitted, LFR can be filled with trolls who purposefully try to screw things up. This isn’t a rare occurrence. It happens frequently.

A reasonable compromise, however, would be to require a clear of the previous wing before opening the ability to queue for the next one. (IE: You must have a clear on Discarded Works before Fury of Giants is open to you.) )That way, LFR players can still experience a progression, the story is still chronological, and they would actually be able to engage in the content they wish to engage in.


Just playing devil’s advocate here, but I’ve seen it said “a million times” on GD that LFR should be considered raiding. So which is it? Story mode or real raiding? Because it seems to me that the vocal minority can’t make up its collective mind - or at the very least the goalpost moves when the narrative changes.

So the vocal minority can’t make up its mind about what LFR is yet Blizzard gets lambasted because they’re treating LFR exactly like raiding in this instance. If you don’t kill Sarkareth then you can’t finish the quest. If a very casual normal raid group doesn’t kill him for another three weeks then they can’t finish that quest/see the story either.

And for the record, I’m not against having LFR wings release sooner.