Campaign Quest Locked Behind Raiding


The timegating exists ONLY so ActiBiz can keep farming players like cows. Give them too much too soon and they’ll get out of their pasture and not come back.

You can pretty much bank on the worst assumption about this company’s motivations for ANYTHING is the correct one.


I really feel like there should just be a red dialogue option reading something like “warning: this chapter takes place after the defeat of sarkareth, and will spoil the raid encounter if you complete it before the raid” or idk something like that.

This way it lets the story crowd play it without having to wait until June 20th which is honestly being fairly assessed as a pretty ridiculous amount of time to wait for 20 minutes of questing content to round the patch story out


But also…just stop gating LFR


Because every expansion where they had no cap and nothing to slow us down we had an influx of “There is nothing to do” complaints because everyone tried to get everything done as fast as possible, then spent 3 months with nothing to do.

That’s bad for Blizzard, because many people will sub for a month at a time and than leave for as many months as it takes them to release the new raid. That’s bad for Blizzard for obvious reasons, but super bad for us because when everyone is done, many just take breaks and leave, no one to run raids with, no one to run keys with, no one to PVP with, zones being dead to the point you cannot even do open world content.

Do you really want that? Try to run an alt, try to push KSM, KSH, AOTC and CE, try to get some achievements done, but have no one to play with? Not only does staggering the content help, but releasing a raid that is easy helps, it allows more people to raid and push higher content. Doing continual tuning in M+ and releasing more content like 10.0.7 and 10.1.5 also helps, it means there is more to do and more people can get involved.

We are seeing more people calling themselves casuals who are getting KSM and AOTC, and that’s good for us, it means happier gamers and more people willing to put in more time to play making the game feel alive.

Part of what was killing this game was Blizzards refusal to make content more accessible, it was one raid per 6 months on average that was hard enough that many guilds could not even clear the first boss on normal, the RWF was taking 300-400 pulls on the last boss and becoming a snooze fest, players were either smashing all the content in the first week and leaving, or spending so long on raids that it tore guilds apart and made people leave.

Now with easier and more content it means more players will get done what they want, the only problem now is that with raiding being so easy the top % of players will have nothing to do, which is not so bad considering how small a number of players that is, maybe a Raid+ scenario could fix that, continually scaling, smaller group raids, but for the overall playing base it just means we can all get access to more content and at a more regular interval. No one can really argue with that.

How is it avoiding spoilers when folks that just play LFR could just get things spoiled by people that did the raid already?

This wasn’t an issue before say in Revendreth where even if you didn’t raid and fight Denathrius, you still get the quest to go help with Kaelthas. Why not have it be another one like that?

Having to wait til near the end of next month sucks. But I guess its easy for ya’ll because devs don’t have to wait. Ridiculous


To those who are frustrated they have to wait for the LFR wing to release in order to complete the quest - I highly recommend attempting normal. It only takes about 2-3 hours that can be split up throughout the week.

I understand that you may have had bad experiences with sweaty tryhards in LFG or have memories of the angry Guild / Raid leader yelling over teamspeak like I do, but most groups pugging normal are not like that. After the first week or two, the groups pugging normal raid are much friendlier and patient than I would have expected.

Although I play this game that is much more hardcore than my friends that make up our guild, half of us are essentially raid loggers. When we are raiding, and sometimes to my annoyance lol, they are extremely patient with people we PUG and will refuse to kick someone from a group unless they are rude, have poor dps/hps, and consistently die/wipe us to easy mechanics. In the rare circumstances where our raid lead does remove someone, they aren’t rude or mean about it because they themselves have been kicked from groups and know that it can feel bad.

Doing normal through LFG really isn’t bad and when you do run into jerks, just put them on ignore and move on knowing that you’ll never have to see nor hear what that person has to say ever again.

Would just like to add onto/change my opinion here after doing the blue dragonflight campaign quests tonight.

I still think gating that story behind the raid is dumb, but for the first time in awhile, I did enjoy the story in WoW. I won’t spoil things here, but I do appreciate how the story ended; felt like an actual writer planned things out rather than the “random happenings! bad guys! chaos! aah!” like I’ve grown accustom to.

Not that any Blizzard employee cares what I think with how harsh I tend to be; just wanted to say I enjoyed it.

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Except thats the issue.

You’re telling players to play the game their way or hit the road by essentially throwing it up behind a 1 month time gate.

Next thing you know they’ll sell the cinematic as an extra fee on the Traders market.


“people who have organised raid teams have zero self control and will passively witness the story they quite likely arent gushing about anyway. Meanwhile all the other people paying a sub who dont partake in organise groups are irrelevant. They will see it elsewhere, eventually, /shrug”


Sweet mother of Christ.

Those who don’t wanna raid will have to wait until LFR drops then the final chapter will open up for y’all to enjoy and I am a story person I read each and every quest in the campaign to eat up all the information. And I’ll wait for that moment until the final chapter drops due to me not liking raiding or not wanting to.

Makes no sense for the story mode raid to be the one that has to wait for the story.


Y’all will enjoy it either way it’s not like the story is going anywhere.

Nah, by the time this comes out I’ll be playing D4. It releases by then.

but whether it’s through LFR or Normal difficulty, those players are still raiding?

That’s on you don’t inject your views upon others.

There’s no injecting of views here. What are you on about?

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Which doesn’t make sense. I am already subbed for the month, you really think an additional boss from the raid would keep me sub or keep someone sub?

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You want the story to drop the day of and not wait but guess what sometimes story in game will have a waiting period because maybe in lore the characters needs a rest before continuing their objectives.

Shouldn’t be forced to raid higher than LFR because some suit in higher up reckons they can squeeze more money out of players stuck behind a time sink.


Once LFR drops the final chapter will be available and I will bet that the cutscene from the raid will play during the questing.