Campaign Quest Locked Behind Raiding

They would lose money regardless. The only thing that angering that section of their playerbase will do is cause them to lose that money faster than they would have.


LFR isn’t released. Try to logic harder.

This wouldn’t be an issue if they had waited to release the story for when LFR Sarkareth was released.


I wonder what the issue will be next week, or after this one lolz

you guys… always same bunch here on forums lolz

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There’s no such thing as happily ever after because stories never end.

I go back to roleplaying and making my own stories without having to worry about getting my PvE “chores” done to grind out the pets, mounts, toys and transmog that I use in RP. But I guarantee that I care about seeing what happens in the story enough to see it in-game instead of on Youtube more than 99% of the normal-and-above raiders who hammer their ESC key as hard as they can to skip to the loot as soon as a cutscene starts.

But I get punished and delayed for it instead. Mmmmmmkay.


The 9.1 story campaign was timegated one chapter per week—so it took time to get to the last chapter—but the kill Sylvanas quest wasn’t required to unlock anything.


Don’t know why this post even continued after that.


Just another self inflicted injury. Blizzard really does not care if we like it or not


Then just open LFR to everyone now. The only reason to lock it behind a time wall is because you hate your casual players. It cant be gear becasue you get BETTER gear FASTER from the weekly heroic quest. You’re just punishing the people who really care about the story by doing this.



Whether that is the intention or not, it is the message that they are sending when they do arbitrary things like this.


Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?


Can’t we go back to the 1 wing opens each week instead of 2 like how it was in MoP? That would be better.


I agree Nikolo. To add to your post, while I enjoy some group content, there are players that aren’t comfortable to group with others and being forced to raid to complete the campaign can cause anxiety for some.

And in before others here on the forum who say “It’s an MMO go play minecraft”, is not the point.


Except the the in game story, at some point, does end. Or at least pause.

Seeing it in game doesnt mean you care more.

But the way people talk about raiders without putting their little negative remarks will always be intriguing.

So should the story be dumbed down for those people?

Because if you remove raiding from the story…you are by default limiting the story. WoW’s expansion story has enough hang ups that making it even more simple would just make it worse imo.

Ah yes, you’re offended that a piece of story centered around a specific thing is in the game designed around… group content, with solo as a side

I assume you are also illiterate, because they said it becomes available as soon as he’s available to kill on LFR for those who don’t raid…

Also Sakareth will take like 15 minutes on LFR , if thats to much of an investment of time for you than you are playing the wrong game

18 years of continuous story and counting. Then during the “pauses” I get to go back to doing my stories to fill in the time to the next patch with plot that I might or might not incorporate into my own to a large or small degree, but I don’t bail when the game isn’t flashing enough shiny car keys for me to grab. Content lulls are when the game gets good from my POV, because my grinds are finished and the cities fill back up again.

I think you misspelled “I”. Personally I do care more when I see it in-game, actually. A lot of people do. That’s why they play games instead of watching them on Twitch or Youtube and saving the $15 a month.


Well, that wasn’t me. Other raiders I guess sure.

Reported for Trolling…


Raiders cry a lot.


They do. They did a lot of it during BFA.


I know they used to claim they had to run LFR to get the ultimate titanforged item! :rofl: