Campaign Quest Locked Behind Raiding

So go watch it for free and unsub.

the story ends when and where blizzard decides its ends, not entitled customers that think they get to dictate how a game is made because they bought the end product.

no pity for you

Have the day you deserve.

entitled for wanting to continue the quests ? instead of having to go search up YouTube ? the only ones here acting entitled is people like you trying to tell others how to play .

my point still stands until you pay for my sub then sit down .



My brother in sweet baby Christmas, it’s not about having to kill the boss. It’s about having to wait another full month to complete the campaign for arbitrary reasons. So that some people who are super fussy about doing the content before they see the end of the raid can be assuaged? How many of those people are there, even? Was this something that anyone ever rabbled for?

And definitely not to drag out people’s subs for another full month.

If the extremely slow release schedule of LFR is to “mimic progression” as opposed to mining another month of sweet dollar bills out of the people who will feel like they’re at a stopping point and unsub after they do a LFR raid (which, again, whomst?) why is it set to “Mythic Raiding with Normal Skill” speed? The world first race is behind us. Normal and Heroic are already down. Who are these fictional “friends and family guilds” who deserve to do the content at the breakneck pace of three bosses every two weeks and have that be the bar that LFR players need to get on their bellies and crawl under?

Has anyone, literally anyone ever, complained that LFR was getting to “see the content first” when their only-meets-fortnightly-and-only-has-two-hours-to-play guild couldn’t get it done first? Don’t THOSE people also have the option to join general group-finder raids if they super want to see the content?

Well, once you get to Renown 12 with the Niffen a bunch of their stuff actually becomes more expensive! Isn’t that a fun treat? You see, it’s actually a funny joke, because the guy’s name is Ponzo. Like a Ponzi scheme!

What a fun reward!


See, this is the problem. If you guys would stop gating LFR wings like you are, people wouldn’t get mad when you lock story behind the final boss of a raid like this. Blocking someone like me, who primarily plays for the story, from seeing the story until a month later sucks.

It isn’t going to make me want to PUG Normal, because I don’t want to, and it isn’t going to make me stay subbed. It’s just going to piss me off and make me leave. Stop punishing me because I have no interest in your raid. Or heck do what Final Fantasy does and make a story mode, similar to what you did in the Exiles Reach tutorial dungeon.


You play primarily for the story.

What do you do when you finish the story?

Level alts, gear up as much as I can without entering the raiding scene again, collect transmog I need for characters who’s mogs aren’t done, or play a different game.


But all those you can do while waiting for the LFR to unlock. With no difference in your play.

And that is why the threat of a person unsubbing over this doesnt mean much.

I could, but I don’t want to. So I won’t. I’m sorry, how exactly does this even affect you again?

It isn’t a threat, it’s just what I’ll do. Whether Blizzard cares or not is irrelevant.

Point is, the way Blizzard is doing things regarding LFR is clearly not working given the pushback.


But I am saying it doesnt give Blizzard incentive to change.

When the pushback is “I am going to quit because I cant run LFR, which I was probably gonna quit after” isnt really pushback. Its not feedback that will cause Blizzard to rethink their position.

If anything, it will tell Blizzard they should definitely do this more often.

Just timegate the entire campaign, 1 chapter per week, so that the final raid ending chapter linees up with lfr release and all those in this thread winging thats its gated behind raid clear, will simply complain that its gated behind time.

A relog fixes my issue of not being able to pickup the quest that folowws thee campaign - Keeper of the Ossurary.

As a soloer who loves story but has zero interest in raiding, eat the fattest part of my a**, blizzard.


Perhaps, but it’s clear that WoW is getting more and more archaic when they do things like this. They’re already behind in terms of the way they deliver story, and continuing to do things like this is just pissing off their playerbase. They clearly need to stop gating LFR like this because the pushback is happening all over right now, not just here.

The sad part is, the blue post kind of shows how out of touch they are with this issue, given that they though the complaint was about gear progression for some reason.


I’m sure it’s been said, if chronologically is important, then for the massive amount of the player base who /do/ do LFR. Please timegate it so non-LFR and non-raiding people can’t see it for a month after.

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If they did this, I wouldn’t be complaining. At all. The lock on the content would then be the same for everyone. It would release at the same time for everyone. No one would miss out because they don’t do content at a particular level, which is the basis for my complaints.


It’s honestly a good thing we have so many people divided on this game, it shows there are still this many people playing the game.

Until the game is dead and there are only a dozen people playing, there is no way you could keep this many people happy.

Every expansion it’s the same, players complain about one thing, another dude pops up and says that’s not a problem, then lists their own problems, another dude again comes along and says those are not problems and around we go.

No doubt Blizzard know this, but many players just focus on what they want, not what is best for the overall game.

Probably because gear progression is the most important thing to most people.

I would say that people that want gear upgrades far outnumber the story following purists.

Please explain to me how this is best for the game.

Them stopping the artificial timegating of LFR affects nobody negatively. LFR players can start progression earlier, I get to see my story play out, and everyone else was never doing it for gear anyway so it doesn’t affect them in any way.


And then they quit to play a different game, as you stated.

And Blizzard loses money.

So I can at least understand why they’d do it. Even if I’d be fine with them releasing it all at once.