Campaign Quest Locked Behind Raiding

Why would someone rush to do a raid with randoms in lfr when they have friends to raid with? Not having a guild or friends to play with is exactly why I use lfr in the first place. He didn’t ‘admit’ anything, he just said a thing that isn’t correct.


because blizzard thinks raiders are better than you.

he says a lot of things it doesnt mean they are true

Sorry Blizzard, having to wait so long leaves a bad taste in everyone who doesn’t raid’s mouths.

Is it really that hard to implement a skip for the kill Sarkareth part and let players decide if they want to do it in chronological order?


This isn’t even close to what Ion said……

“ In a world that has LFR open from the start, it would guarantee that everyone has seen the end of the raid in an LFR experience long before they got there with their friends.”

He stated people would see the end long before the other raids….that being said Normal has been cleared already, Heroic has been cleared already, and Mythic has been cleared already so the end of the raid has already been seen with friends so there is no point to keep LFR locked anymore.



Good one!

Wanting the same treatment as raiders is not entitlement.

It’s called equality. Look it up.

Not wanting to be spoiled by people having access to story before us is not entitlement.

They should not have released this quest until LFR Sarkareth was available if that was what they intended as the timegate for casual players. Plain and Simple.

Release it for everyone at the same time.


And Blizzard can’t understand why subs are still declining.


I don’t think they care.

They know Diablo Immortal is where the money is.

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it is released for eveyone. go join a normal level pug and kill the end boss, done and done.

It’s really shocking how much that game makes each day. Pretty scary for gaming too. Probably means monetization will change elsewhere.


no thats not releasing it for everyone , until you can pay for my sub sit down


Just means I dont have to raid, even LFR anymore

I can focus on the parts of the game I like

No it is not.

That’s like saying if they tied it to a mythic Sarkareth kill then I came in saying “It released for everyone, go kill mythic sarkareth.” to you.


Yes it is, you choosing not to play a game as designed is your choice, and your choice alone.

I love that blizzard even replied telling you all so.

so lfr is now like mythic???

man you guys are on some good stuff lolz

Normal isn’t that much more difficult than lfr. Just be somewhat current in gear. Lfr shouldn’t exist. Make normal something you can queue.

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At the end of the campaign, you get… wait for it…


You aren’t missing out on anything but a cinematic you can watch anywhere.

Anywhere…except the game that we are paying to play. Seems legit.


no it its not end of story