Campaign Failure forced my Canceled Sub

Literally. Then hit me with a ‘bless your heart’ right after xD
Some people.

See I can get that. But you can’t claim it’s a toxic cesspool when you haven’t done them recently.
If anything, groups are the most quiet they have ever been. Toxicity tends to be in low keystones. Normals/heroics, people are just silently dungeon blasting.

And I get it. I didn’t raid for a good 6+ years for the same reason. Got benched when the guild downsized from 25 to 10man, then never got invited to anything. Server/guild hopped a few times. Landed here where it’s chill. Now I do all the things at my own pace.


Nope and neither have you.


Lol this was kind of my thought. “Whaaaa I don’t want to play with people because they are toxic and the game is toxic.” What major game DOESN’T require doing some dungeons to progress through the campaign?

What is toxic is threads like this with people pretending everyone else is the problem. Imagine how miserable a dungeon is with someone complaining about how they hate dungeons the whole way. I’m usually pretty helpful of someone in a normal or heroic that is working through their campaign, but if they were just whining the whole time how they hated dungeons, and it is not their fault when they die release and get lost for the Nth time, I’d get tired of that pretty fast.


They’re the Lorax for scrubs what can you do?

You can be delusional and pretend that the only way to track player count is through a direct statement from Blizzard, but we both know there are numerous other ways players have been able to track the player base over the pass several expansions through other methods.


It’s still the most played mmo in the world. They must be doing something right.

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I am not in any way saying your point is invalid…because I am right there with yuh. HATE dungeons w/ a passion.
I did however, mentally force myself to switch to frost, and just run it on normal, to get it over with.
Did not enjoy it per say, but it was in fact pretty quick, and painless, and no one said anything to anyone, so it was ok

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Nothing is ever over exaggerated here on these forums…

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the fact that you invaded his privacy just to discredit his personal likes / dislikes is already elitist enough. That’s the type of toxic behavior that competitive group play encourages, which is reason enough for OP to dislike it.


It’s a public profile?
That’s quite a stretch :joy:

But please, do keep baselessly painting me as toxic.


you can try to justify your behavior all you want, it’s still toxic.

You know what else is public info? People’s address, properties in their names, police records, etc. but searching any of those to attack a person’s taste is considered very creepy.

Instead of addressing the argument on its own, you had to find a way to attack OP as a person. That makes you toxic.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


How did you progress literally any other expansion? Did you just not play? I’m confused.

How is pressing ‘i’ and ‘queue for dungeon’ difficult? Almost nobody even talks in queued dungeons anymore. Is it the social interaction that bothers you?

There are numerous things wrong and outdated with the design of this game, and trying to have a conservative mindset about not only the game, but the genre itself and being unwilling to change will only cause more players to continue to bleed out. WoW and the MMO genre needs to adapt and it needs to stop fighting change, especially about such small issues like someone who does not want to do dungeons.


So inspecting someone’s talents, tmog, gear is also toxic I assume?

The argument was addressed, it was also pointed out OP hasn’t done a single dungeon since early BFA. Pointing this out in no way is a personal attack lol.

The problem is people want to do everything on their own and not even TRY to be social. Especially in an environment where people aren’t really social to begin with.

If you run these things, no one hardly ever talks. You are essentially solo in a group. Might as well be running with npcs lol.

I mean, OP is complaining (more or less) about not being able to do a given questline without doing dungeons. Never mind the fact that very few questlines actually require entering an instance this expansion, this one thing is apparently a deal breaker? If OP played other expansions I’m calling bull unless they quit anytime anything asked them to enter a dungeon. That’s a hell of a way to play an MMORPG, refusing to engage in content with any other people.

How much adapting do we do before we’re not even playing an MMO anymore?


I get that you don’t like dungeons… but… I mean if you were worried about

Can you not just try to find a few buds to group with for simple dungeons? Normal, Heroic, and even lower key mythics rarely get toxic. I do get not wanting to deal with that. I think you just need a chill guild.

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You don’t understand the difference between having to get through something you don’t like to make a living and not wanting to do stuff you don’t like in your leisure time?


yes, it is if you are going to use the info specifically to discredit their opinion. If you use it to help it’s a different thing.

Just like knowing someone’s public address or properties is creepy it you use it specifically to say their opinion is invalid. “You are from the poor side of town, you don’t know anything about X issue.” That’s stupid. But if you use address for real estate market is normal.

That’s the line: the reason to use it.

Instead of trying to discredit OP, you should have said: “I personally run dungeons all the time, and I like them because X, Y, Z. You could try A, B, C, and that could make them more enjoyable for you.”


How do you compare looking at someone’s achievements to looking up their address?

That’s such an insane stretch and example, I can’t take anything you say seriously.