When looking around using right click, often times my camera will turn very quickly as if the DPI is set to 10,000. It seems to be random, but I’ve seen other people talking about it in general chat.
I’ve googled it, and I’ve seen posts dating back to patch 7.2 with people experiencing the same issue.
There obviously has to be an underlying issue with the game, as this is the only game that has this issue.
It’s very difficult to play with as it’s extremely jarring.
The only fix I’ve seen is to go into wow.exe and go to the compatibility settings and “disable display scaling on high dps settings” which isn’t even an option in the current build of windows.
I’m also experiencing this issue and tried the suggestions listed here which seemed to kind of help except that it then “lagged” when the screen would normally jump. There is a settings option in the battle.net menu to use browser hardware acceleration when available- my bf read another thread that suggested unchecking this. I tried turning this off and it seems to have helped the most, although my camera movement is STILL not fixed however at least now it’s tolerable.