I have a very bizarre and specific issue regarding WoW and a Razer Naga mouse

The three common fixes for mouse/camera issues are:

  1. Lower the “Polling Rate” to 100 - 125 Hz. (depending on software).

  2. If it isn’t an issue try disabling the Foreground FPS limiter. Ingame on the Menu > System > Advanced. (Remember to hit the Apply button)

  3. Enable the rawMouse CVar. Open a chat box then copy/paste this line. (Ctrl + V will paste it)

/script SetCVar(“rawMouseEnable”, 1);

To check that the script worked go to the Wow folder > retail > WTF - look for the Config file. Open with notepad. This should be at the bottom of CVar list:

SET rawMouseEnable “1”

(0 - zero is off)

Test them one at a time.

There are other less common solutions:

  • Update Razer Synapse to latest version

  • Try disabling Foreground FPS limiter on Menu > System > Advanced.

  • On Battle.net App under “Options” Go to Game Settings > General - scroll down then check that Hardware Acceleration is enabled.

  • Navigate to the main Wow folder _retail or _classic folder. Down near the bottom of the list is the Wow icon (W) icon. Right click on the Wow icon. Select “Properties” at bottom of list. Then select “Compatibility” tab along top of next pane. At the bottom of that select (check) “Disable Fullscreen Optimization”

  • If you have a Wacom device you might disable things there or temporarily uninstall the Wacom drivers to test.

  • Disable NVidia Share then close Geforce Experience