Calm the Wolf

I strongly recommend that people who take issue with this take their posts to the PTR forum. Much higher odds that it will be heard and not drowned out.

I considered doing so.
But i also reported it on the PTR so didnt want to double dip my feedback

Replied to Hawkins.

Shapeshift does not play well with Calm the Wolf… At all. Your functionality on PTR is completely unchanged. It’s possible to play with leaving shapeshift just before you leave combat and that can work. But otherwise no

Glyph of Stars is Odd on PTR. If you spec for balance then you can’t use Two Forms or Calm the Wolf to appear human. However, if you spec resto and but get Moonkin Form along with Glyph of Stars then they work… Which makes the points that it can work with balance but they choose not to and that it might be removed from resto spec in.

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Because werewolves? You know, humans that under certain conditions shapeshift into a monstrous creature.

Not everyone plays Worgen just because they are anthropomorphic wolves.


It is a valid point. Many people want to play in Worgen form. However, the fact that Two Forms even existed has created appeal for a whole group of people that want to embrace shifting between the too. Might as well say if people want to play a caniform race that never transforms then why don’t they play Vulpera. There are several humanoid races that are what they are, unable to transform. For some people a big part of the appeal of Worgen is having Two Forms.

Additionally it’s a button and what good is a button if you can’t push it. Perhaps they should never have added the option but they did.

Wow, thank you for responding to this! Much appreciated. That is disappointing news though. I guess they didn’t give it much consideration. Hopefully there’s bug reports for these though and it gets sorted at some time.

I’d say an option not to be hunched for males as well.

All wolf based druid forms, not just travel.
And the OG night elven worgen as an option as well.

I wanna night elven worgen druid with wolf forms :frowning:

One of the best suggestions is that it’d be a part of a questline where Goldrinn finally grants his blessing, this would manifest in the form of a tail in the same way that Highmountain have antlers. It’d be optional as well.

If the tails already exist, they should throw them into the character creation options and make them available to change at the barber shop. I was recently pleasantly surprised that that I could change the length of my draenei paladin’s tail and even put jewellery on it. So, for worgen, go for it.

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Made a post about this in the macro / UI section, but thought I’d ask here as well:

Is there a macro that will cast running wild when in worgen form and/or when “calm the wolf” is not active (will otherwise have it default to a normal mount)? I’ve tried using form and stance conditionals, which don’t seem to work.

Otherwise, happy with calm the wolf. Would still like hunched option for both.


Real life wolves tend to have tails thou.