Callous Hide skinning rate needs a buff

You hardly get enough callous hide to yield a single r1 legendary base armor piece with an HOUR of skinning at the moment.

Due to the low rate of callous hide yields and the high amount of it needed in crafting the legendary pieces, I do not see the prices on callous/heavy callous hide dropping significantly until after a while when the market becomes saturated with legendary items and the demand for callous hide goes down. But at the moment, thinking of acquiring the callous hide necessary to rank up and craft items needed for a raid team is absolutely ridiculous. It would take 1hr per piece just for R1s, and we need to craft 15*8 for our guild to do that. So that would be 120hrs of skinning just for the rank 1s. I’m not even going to bother thinking about the rank 2s. If we wanted to pay for the mats right now, it would cost 12,635,478g just basing prices off the lowest available item prices at the moment. You would recoup most of the cost in reselling the items, but the initial investment due to callous hide is ridiculous.

I know we’re early on and prices and the market is volatile, but I would think 1hr of skinning should yield much more callous hide than just what is required for barely a single r1 legendary. Callous hide drop rates (heavy included) need a buff, or they need to make enchanted heavy cal hide only require 1 heavy cal hide to make.


Agreed, I can also confirm exactly what was posted above. Also, Just look at the AH prices across all the armor types and the variance is apparent. Leather/Mail is significantly higher. Callous Hide is the bottleneck.


Bump. This needs a fix asap. The price difference in base items for leather/mail vs others is crazy.
Ran the numbers on my server. 1.7 Million gold to get up to one rank 4 (Chest). For comparison rank 4 tailoring chest 287k.
Total Gold to get max in all Leatherworking(Not including Mail just leather). 11,673,090g. Max out Tailoring 2,152,725g at the current AH prices.
Think we have a problem on our hands. Players should not be paying 5x the price for their base legy items just because they wear mail/leather.


Bumping this, cause it needs some love, I’m no expert when it comes to professions, gold making or the AH, but the drop rate for this is atrocious :frowning:

Im spending time in game farming leather rather than doing world quests/dungeons or bgs. While I understand farming is part of the game, I wouldn’t mind it if I it gave me atleast 3 crafts per hour, but it barely gives me enough callous hide for 1 craft per hour.

At this rate, since we have to craft 15x for each rank up (rank 1 to 2, then rank 2 to 3 and rank 3 to 4) and the mats to craft rank 2 increases, so does the time, so for 45 crafts you’d have to spend like 67.5 hours farming (very vague, quick math, 1hr for rank 1 crafts, 1.5 hr for rank 2 crafts and 2 hours for rank 3 crafts) for the leather :frowning:

Maybe 67.5 hours is not a big deal for people who play the game primarily for farming or gold making but for a player who does other content like pvp, dungeons, raids, while not at a super high end level, this still feels very demotivating :frowning:

Edit - I completely forgot about the part that this is all for just ONE SLOT, and leatherworking requires callous hides for every craft >.<
Blizz, please help, the drop rate for callous hides needs to be increased or you have to make more desolate leather come from one zone, while more callous hide come from another, not 100% callous hide:desolate leather ratio, but like an 80-20 ratio?


Agree. When cloth legendary components are selling for a quarter to a tenth of the cost of leather pieces, something is off.

Alternately, Blizzard could reduce the required mats for LW legendary crafts, or reduce the total number of crafts to rank up.

Suppose it wouldn’t be WoW though if LW didn’t still suck a bit.


I feel like they nerfed the droprate even more in the last few days. I got a spot I go to to farm and I used to get 10-14 in about 30mins of being there, but now im getting 3? Something is up.

Even if it was 20-30 an hour it’s not even close to being on par with the other lego mats. You need so many.

The mail legendaries are going for 80k each on my server and the cloth, LW and plate are all settling in around 10 or less. It’s kinda messed up.

Bump. Ok so its not just me. I thought I was doing something wrong when its taking me so long to get Callous hide, guess its actually a real problem


It’s the Legion equivalent of needing mistscale. You probably had 1000’s that you couldn’t sell because they dropped like candy, but now you need them and they just don’t drop.

None of the other professions are having a material shortage. On my server there are about 20-50 each of cloth and plate runecarver pieces up for sale, and mail and leather has about 50 total.

the enchanted elethium bar for blacksmithing on a52 is going for 310, enchanted callous is up for 2480 atm. just these numbers alone are insane and show something is wrong with the drop rate.


Bumping this because Leatherworking is absolutely broken. Callous Hide drop rate needs to be higher or Leatherworking consumption needs to be lower.


Would love to see some buff here. Was wondering why farming felt…bad.


They do this every expansion. Crafting anything takes many times more hide than leather so the leather immediately becomes worthless because the gathering rate exceeds the consumption rate.

If nothing else, let us convert 10 leather into a hide so that there is a relationship between their values on the supply end and not just on demand.


noticed this while lvling LW on my druid…hides are sooooo low.

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Not only that, making almost anything besides the leggy pieces and “Armor Kit” is pointless. Crafters mark 2 is gated behind insane rep and still only makes pieces that are worse iLvl than pieces you get from your faction in the campaign. Crafters mark 3 is still TBA… It all just doesn’t make sense.

I had high hopes starting out and thought that LW would finally be nice to work, and I’d be bale to make some items i could use… getting into the campaign and seeing the rewards from it, I’m totally disenchanted. So, “yay, right now I can make some pieces that are 3ilvl above world quest drops for me”. The WQs have a chance for a 3rd affix, so are potentially better… In a couple days when I get more renown and the pieces from the campaign, LW is just going to be a kit maker for me again.


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Either need a higher drop rate or we need to get a conversion of regular leather. Other night I was out farming, got 1600 of desolate leather and ~100 callous leather with about ~10 heavy callous leather. I don’t know what a good conversion rate could be, I’d be happy with 25/50 desolate leather for 1 callous hide, as then at least the vast amounts of kind of useless to me desolate leather would get a use.

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Well, I just finished a 1 Hour farm in Ardenweald and got 1… ONE… heavy callous hide. Did Blizzard nerf the drop rate further? This is so discouraging. I’m just trying to craft a Legendary for my own character, because I want my own toon’s name on the damn thing, and Blizzard is making it nearly impossible. This is the most glaringly negative aspect of an otherwise really enjoyable expansion so far.

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It would honestly not surprise me these days if Blizzard saw “callous hide needs a buff” and decided that clearly for the good of the game it needed to be nerfed, instead.

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I bumbing this up as I agree farmed an hour today and got enough to make 1 piece of legendary gear something it really wrong with the drop rate or the cost to make the gear blizz plz fix one of em.

I agreed last week but I’m not so sure now. I checked on a few servers from medium to high and there are currently 9000+ callous hides on each. Price is actually higher on the high pops right now. It makes no sense really.

I really think the market is being manipulated to keep prices high vs a true shortage. A higher drop rate would fix that, but I honestly can’t say if it’s pure low drop rate, or a group of goblins controlling a market.