Callous Hide skinning rate needs a buff

drop rate sucks period a way to convert leathr into hides will help de drop rate feels like 5% at best

I believe Blizzard needs to do something a little different if they are so hesitant to buff the drop rate (if Blizzard even cares)

My potential suggestions:

-5 Heavy Desolate Leather can be turned into 1 Callous Hide
-20 Desolate Leather and 20 Pallid Bones can be turned into 1 Callous Hide.

Not saying these are the best suggestions, in fact I would go so far as to make it 2 Heavy Desolate turn into 1 Callous, but that might make it too much for Blizzard to consider.

As it stands right now, players get so much Desolate Leather and Pallid bones to the point that they are dirt cheap and borderline worthless. I have a Guild bank tab filled with Desolate Leather and Pallid Bones I farmed, I have 1/8th of my Reagent Bank filled with the junk as well.

There is no overwhelming need of Heavy Desolate Leather either because of the sheer amount of Desolate Leather, and not to mention its drops either.

There needs to be a way to convert all these useless resources into something or see an increased drop rate. It is insane how much stuff I need to junk.


Heck, I’d even go back to MoP’s magnificent hide conversion: a daily cooldown to make one callous hide for 20 desolate leather, and then the option to make more for 50 desolate leather each. Or 25 desolate leather and 25 pallid bone. We need something.

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Enchanted of Stormreaver is 5.3k Feelsbadman

I’ve basically abandoned LW at this point. The few pieces I made and tried to sell didn’t sell 10 days ago, even below mat cost, and even with all my alts I don’t need 15 of each slot.

Enchanted on ThoBro was around 4.7k as of a few days ago, fwiw.

Tonight I saw a LW offering to tip customers for legendary work (customer’s mats, of course). It had crossed my mind to try that, but if people won’t buy the pieces below cost off the AH, I’m not sure hanging out in trade is likely to be any more fruitful.

How is this still not fixed? Leatherworking legendary base items still going for 4x the price of plate/cloth base items.


It’s over 6k on Greymane. I’ve spent well over 24 hours just farming for hides now. JUST HIDES. I was able to get rank 1 to rank 2
then took another 2 hours to get the remaining hides to get 1 piece of rank 2. Rank 1 pieces sell for like 19k, same piece rank 2? 20k. It’s 6 extra hides over rank 1 (4 for enchanted, 2 for regular heavy) and 1k more in cost. There was no rank 3 I could for the gauntlets I was searching for.
During the past 7 days, I’ve seen a significant dip in hide drop rates too. First day, I was making enough to make one legendary base item per hour. (woo!) I sent most of those off to get enchanted, then figured I’d farm the rest during the week.
Nope, literally the past two days of game time was almost all JUST farming hides.

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Run the Mists of Tierna whatever dungeon and skin those big bugs at the end.

agreed. spent 3 hours farming today, got about 81 heavy callous in total and not even halfway to rank 2 for my legendary. it is also broken (atleast for me) some of the best farming spots are invaded by BOTS! you cant compete with those guys! ive reported everyone i see, but it doesnt help, takes atleast a day to get those banned and then they just re appear in a few hours the next day

Agree. Same thing happened to me. Also bumping this thread.

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feels awful when on my priest i’m able to buy a rank 3 chest for 17k while any leather items on my servers rank 3 or above are between 120k-200k it makes me not want to play any sort of leather class. These absurd leather items feels like a pay to win feeling/ pay wall.


I did this myself, this is actually losing Leather. Takes about 10 minutes to do Tirna Scithe and you at most get 4 Heavy Callous worth and at worst 1.5 from my experience. This also assumes no one else is a skinner.

You will make the same or more leather just doing normal mobs in a good spot.

I’ve reported every bot I have seen, so far they seem to get banned
 but of course new ones just appear. Also there is 1 that manages to elude bans despite the same exact behaviors as all the others.

I don’t know about everyone’s AH, but I recommend looking around Friday/Saturday to see if prices drop for your Legendary and buy it up, unless you are perfectly happy with your current one of course.

agreed. Maybe remove the Heavy Callous hide requirement and only need enchanted. Or reduce the amount needed. I have only been at making these a few days but I have spent all my time playing the last 4 days doing nothing but farming Callous Hide and this is ridiculous.

So far after spending a few days trying to farm the mats to get just a rank 2 lego base item, I have found the Callous Hide situation is horrible.

On my server, I have to either pay over 150k to get a 210 Leather Gauntlet for my DH, or spend roughly 2 weeks doing nothing but farming and skinning.

This cant be the way the game is supposed to work and proof that this drop rate and/or mat requirement is broken.

My leather-wearing toons, I’ve restricted their Leggo’s to ones I can put on rings or necklaces. I don’t really have the coin to do much else, and I’m a Skinner!

Yeah leather rank 4 legendries are remaining stable on our server for 250K+. At this point I am looking to change my main
I simply cannot afford to play a leather class and I don’t have the time to sink into skinning.

No. Sorry, as a crafter and harvester, keep the drop rates low. It keeps the AH prices high for the mats and the finished products.

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I don’t know how they’ve justified keeping the heavy hides so rare at this point, or not changing up the recipe. The BS, JC, and Tailoring leggos are selling at a fraction of the LW ones.

They have to know this. That means they willfully do not care. It’s pretty messed up.


this , blizz FIX IT ALREADY!