Calling the Champions WQ bugged

Calling the Champions WQ gets permanently bugged if you are in a group and anyone else lights a brazier. It stays lit but you dont get credit for it, meaning you can’t light it yourself to get credit and you get stuck at x/5 Light the Flame of Challenge. Reloading nor relogging fixes the problem. Currently this WQ gives a pretty good conduit for me so this is honestly really frustrating. Also means my group is screwed too. Plx fix asap theres 22 hours left on the WQ so theres time :smiley: …please?


Calling the Champions" World quest in Maldraxxus is broken.After liting 3/5 blazzers, no other blazzer was available, so I was unable to complete the WQ. I tried logoff and login; Close the game, and come back, didn’t work

Even after server restart its still bugged.

confirmed still bugged…:angry:

I tried the logging in out over and over went to other parts of the map ran the course 25 times one way then going the other. Thanks for the fix in advance.

it’s bugged for me on mage. I finished 4/5 then ran out of time. Then tried to complete. 30 feet away from blazer debuf drops


9 Hours left on the world quest, hopefully they fix before it disappears.

I started the quest and then thought it had something to do with the battle pet guy, who was lit up. I talked to him and entered a battle and now all the braizers are lit and I cannot complete it. I was also in a group so that could have something to do with it from the sounds of it. Please fix…need the conduit from the quest.

Bumping this, as this world quest is also bugged for me.

First time doing this world quest, I had no idea what it was about, did not realize it was a timed event. Lit the first brazier, stood there like an idiot, wondering what to do. Noticed the the speed boost marker on the ground. Mounted up, ran towards it, it disappeared. Went back to the brazier, lit it again while in Ghost Wolf. Proceeded. Got to the third brazier, lit it, speed boosts disappeared, can no longer progress, tried everything to reset it.

Very frustrating, need that anima.

Bump. Cannot complete. I get through the 2nd braizer with plenty of time left and it literally just disappears and i ‘fail’.


Similar to Tamackha above, I got through a 3rd brazier and my timer debuff and my speed buff just disappeared. Now it won’t let me use any braziers and if I click the starting one nothing happens.

mine keeps phasing out when you going to fix it?

You can just start it again from the start bracier. Then just skip lighting the ones you already got credit for. This will give you enough time to get arround the track if its hard…

Start world quest, take 2 steps, phase out. Cant continue past brazer #1, been this way for me for weeks every single time I try it. Not in a group, not on a phased quest chain (which shouldnt matter anyway or at least shouldnt let me start/see it at all then). And this is absolutely my favorite part about WoW, 28 days later, same problem, still bugged, no help, no response. Oh well, at least the game is free to play though, can you imagine paying for a game with the issues we’ve had over the last few xpacs? (Oh and I forgot, even if you do manage to actually get one or 2 lit once the debuff falls off you cant relight at ANY of them except the very first one, while the npcs just spam at you “hey just relight it at any lit brazer gg’s”. Super fun.)


Bump. Same issue. Only ONE of the braziers would refresh my torch - the second one going clockwise. For every other one I had to use all druid speed cooldowns, sprint past the first brazier (going both clockwise and counter-clockwise) and ultimately hit the second brazier on each side. Luckily my buff refreshed ONE time which allowed me to hit the third brazier (furthest from the starting point). Completely bugged. Unfortunate to see that this has been a known issue for some time without fix.

Hi all. I was able to complete. Just don’t run over or touch any of the NPC’s/Slimelets while running.


I was having difficulty starting this quest. It seemed as though my companion and being in a shapeshifted form was causing the problem starting it.

After starting, I had no issues completing this WQ as long as I avoided all the slimes in the path.


Finally figured out how to get this is work:

  1. You can’t be in a shapeshifted (druids / NF soulshape). You can go into travel form AFTER you pick up the debuff, but it will not renew at the next Brazier. You need to click off to renew.
  2. If you run over the little slimes (Slimelet) you lose the debuff needed.

Calling the Champions… unable to light ANY of the brazers 1-28-2021 world quest is up… even tried reload ui and disabling all addons…

I dunno if it helps but it was bugged for me, I rebooted twice and nothing changed. THOUGH, I noticed that I was still connected with a previous group battle I did and didn’t leave the party. I changed that and it worked. If that solves the situation for others here, I leave it here…