Calling the Champions WQ bugged

Still bugged.

if you lose the speed boots, going back and re-lighting does nothing, you need to leave the area super far and return for it to be back to normal, but if you screw up again it just bugs out again

how is this still a problem 3 months later?

P.S. I’m not in a party.

Not sure if this helps, but if you are using ANY toys it will knock you out too. I was using Savory Deviate Delights and it kept dropping mine until I turned it off.

Still bugged.

Came across this thread and not shocked to see the problem is still persistent MONTHS later. I am not hitting any slimes, but for whatever reason the flame goes out even though I have plenty of time to get to the next speed node. After this, I try to re-light the torch and cannot do so. Relogging, disabling all addons does nothing.

Lose buff to nothing
Can’t relight a torch
can’t finish the quest

this xpac has been out how long? with a beta phase longer than any other xpacs?

this isn’t acceptable, at all. Apparently this is what happens when all the high-ups that crafted the game lovingly in the early stages leave because of activision.




3 months later and this quest is still bugged…what a joke.

Still bugged

Literally make it to 4/5 lit braziers tonight, and it bugs out. I think I’ve finished this WQ once since it was released. I don’t even know why I try anymore…

Still bugged as of today… Figures the best quest item is tied to the bugged quest.

yeah at this point I went back to classic, it sucks so many issues blizzard just ignores

I was having the same issue but I read about avoiding the slimelets on the path. Once I did that, I was able to finish the quest.

First time playing in three months and after the new patch, I cannot pick up a torch even after logging out and closing the game.

Idk why we still waste our time to report bugs. It’s still bugged 9 months after the first message. Seems like rushed content > fixing issues.

Still Bugged. It’s the most annoying quest, buff just goes poof for no apparent reason.

Still bugged, December '21, buff still going poof for no reason.

Stop stepping on the slimes.


Hey all, it’s not bugged, just dont run over any slimelets along the route… thats it ! enjoy.

My observation is that if you use any skill that increases run speed (like doing the quest in shaman Spirit Wolf form) you can outrun the speed at which slimelets are drawn into your view and you hit “invisible” slimes before the graphics catch up.

Still bugged