Calling of the Council Bugged

So I’m trying to start doing the invasions on the broken shores but I need this quest to get ir started. The Calling of the Council and for some reason the portal in Orgrimmar isn’t working and when I go to talk to Khadgar he doesn’t want to talk. Then I log out and back in I reset the quest, abandoning it and still nothing. Any suggestions?

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There are several versions of Khadgar throughout Azeroth and other areas, which one you may need depends on where you are in the questline.

Did you go to the version of Dalaran over Deadwind Pass?


I will try there and see if it works.
Edit: thanks it worked! Finally

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Im having the same problem …cant find the location …taking theportal is optional but how do i get there directly

It appears you completed “Calling of the Council”, Lilithsrage. Are you still having trouble?

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Im having the same problem

You are having what same problem, exactly? Did you read what I asked previously?

Are you unable to go to the Deadwind Pass and fly up to the version of Dalaran their? Khadgar should be standing just outside of the Violet Citadel.

You may also not be on the right phase to do these quests if you had previously skipped them. You’ll want to visit the Dalaran in the Broken Isles and speak to Archivist Elysiana in the Violet Citadel.


Did u try the 2nd option

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Did you actually look around, Vinnae? It looks like you are currently standing outside the Citadel, downstairs. If you walk upstairs you should see him to the right, fairly obvious as he has a yellow aura around him which indicates “Click me!”.

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