Blizzard’s “patch” isnt going to break the addon, at least not in the way that peoPle “want”.
I suspect the only thing it will break:
1). Auto invite feature
2). If you don’t normally have access to a specific channel at your given location: you will not be able to use the app to see/post to it. (Lfg is still a global channel: keep that in mind - other channels might be accessible globally as well)
3) ability to view information not normally privy to (talent or item level)
yeah people are celebrating too early, blizzard has to be careful or they will break a lot of addon’s people do like.
this is gonna be funny because the LFG addon isn’t going anywhere it’ll just be changed.
Auto-invite would be a bit tricky to patch out, all it does it parse chat for whispers that include “inv” and then send out a “/invite” to whoever whispered it.
So every add-on would have to be restricted from either doing slash commands or automating messages in any way.
I believe more realistically they will just disable peer-to-peer communication entirely, so the add-on won’t be able to broadcast which groups are available.
They can only break it to a certain extent without destroying other options.
Remember, you can just create a channel in the world that everyone can see and use. If we had a habit of doing that, no addon is needed. If an addon helps us craft and see messages posted to an open channel, but does nothing else, at what point is it against the spirit of vanilla?
Is the spirit of vanilla what people did in vanilla, or what people could do in vanilla? Is it anyone’s fault now if people 14 years ago didn’t use the functionality that was built into the game?
It’ll be interesting to see where it goes because they can over-correct on this too.
Yes, you have been so correct with all your other comments, we should actually start listening to you now. Your reliability at this point is less than zero! I’m sure you can brainstorm with “Starman,” and work it out though.
I think you’re right OP. It will break the automated portion of it. I think they’ll also break the talent visibility portion too. Other than that, I think they’ll leave the rest, as it’s pretty much just a better organized CtA.
It’s not going to break the data sharing feature because too many other addons use it. Threat meters, most notably. RP addons most… rabid fan-ly.
Only thing Blizz can break without a lot of backlash is removing the ability for addons to send invites. Which would specifically break this kind of addon and ONLY this kind.
You will still have your LFG addon, no doubt there, it just won’t be against the intended spirit of the game. The blue post went into great detail regarding the social aspects of the game being a core design philosophy, and that anything counter to that will be scrutinized thoroughly.